Time To Wake Up

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Lee/Ler/Switch: Lee!Mateo, Ler!Solar

Ships: Mateo X Solar

Words: 1.05K

Prompt: "You don't seem like the ticklish type at all."


It was just a normal morning, as usual, Solar was the one who was awake first. Solar had their arms wrapped around their boyfriend as he cuddled up next to them, fast asleep.

The blue haired male suddenly started purring when Solar played with his hair. They smiled softly at how adorable their boyfriend were.

They looked at the clock that was next to their bed and looked at the time. It read 10:23am. Solar had woken up around 7am this morning.

Solar didn't want to have to wake up Mateo but he was getting towards noon. The girl looked back down at Mateo as they awed at the sight.

Mateo had his arms wrapped around Solar's waist as he purred softly.

Solar regretted to wake him up but it had to be done.

They softly shook him to wake him up, only to get a stir in return.

"Love.. You gotta get up." Solar spoke softly. "You've been sleeping for forever, it's almost noon."

"Mm.. Don't care.." The male mumbled. "Wanna sleep.."

Solar almost chuckled. "I know, but you have to get up. You can sleep later."



"I can't hear you, I'm asleep." The male said, he had the audacity to start smirking as he opened one of his eyes, looking at Solar.

The orange haired girl only rolled their eyes. "I have ways of getting you up."

"No you don't." Mateo said back as he closed his eyes, most likely drifting back to sleep.

"Mateo, get up." Solar has said. But they were responded with nothing.

Solar looked at their hands they were around Mateo. They moved their hands so they would land onto his sides.

Mateo didn't think nothing of it. He just thought that they gave up and was going back to sleep.

He was wrong though. Solar started squeezing his sides making him jump up and squeal from the sensation.

He moved away as he covered his sides, a blush spreading across his face as he looked at Solar.

Solar's eyes widened before they started smirking. "Woah. Didn't think you'd be the ticklish type."

Mateo shook his head furiously. "No! No, I was just surprised at the sudden sensation!" He defended.

Mateo squealed as Solar began going closer to him. He quickly started backing away from them. "S-solar. Soholar! Back away!"

The male squeaked when he hit a wall, he then squealed when Solar pinned him to the wall.

Solar chuckled as they looked into their boyfriend's red, fierce eyes.

"You're cute. The blush on your face as well as you adorable giggles. How come I didn't find this out sooner?" Solar said as they smirked.

Mateo whined as his face became even more red. He giggled quietly as he turned his face away from his significant other, only for Solar to grab onto his chin and make him look them in the eyes.

"Don't turn away from me when I'm talking to you. That's rude."

"Ihi dohon't cahare! Let me goho!"

Solar thought for a moment before grinning. "Nope." With that, Solar moved fast. Their hands went straight for Mateo's sides. They started going up and down to get him giggling.

Mateo giggled hysterically as he held onto Solar's wrists to try and push them away. Although he tried, he just melted into the touch, soft giggles escaping his mouth as he started going down the wall and laying onto the bed.

"Sohoholar! Stohohop!" Mateo laughed out as he curled up underneath his significant other.

Solar looked at their boyfriend and couldn't help but start smiling at how cute he was. "Aww.. But you're laughing so much right now. Look at your adorable little blush."

"Nohoho teheasing!" The blue haired male responded as he continued to laugh underneath Solar.

"Why? You don't like it when I tease you? Do you not like that I call you and your blush adorable?" Solar spoke as the smirk returned to their face.

"SHUHUHUT UHUP!" Mateo screamed as he kicked his legs. He hated being teased like this. He thought that it made him look weak. "Sohoholar, plehehease!"

Solar just chuckled as they went to his stomach, one of their hands scribbling up and down his stomach, while the other circled around his bellybutton.

Mateo suddenly snorted at the change of spots. His blush growing to a crimson red. He cover his face with his arm in embarrassment from the sound he just made.

"Aww! You snort? That's adorable." Solar spoke as they giggled softly. "Is it because I'm tickling your stomach?"

Mateo squealed when Solar dipped their finger into his bellybutton and started wiggling around. He snorted once again as he started laughing hysterically from the tickling.


"It is because I'm tickling your stomach!"


Solar kept tormenting Mateo's stomach as well as his bellybutton, as the male begged for mercy.


Solar looked at their boyfriend noticing that tears were beginning to form in his eyes. "One more spot and then I'm done, alright?"

The orange haired girl stopped the assault and laid their hand on his stomach. Mateo breathed in sighs of relief, that was until Solar shoved their hands into his armpits.

Mateo screamed.

He kicked his legs frantically behind Solar for a chance of escape. He was cackling madly from the unbearable ticklish sensations.

His face was bright red as tears fell from his eyes and down his burning cheeks.

He begged desperately for mercy as Solar continued to torture him.

He went into silent laughter for a moment until loud boisterous laughter came tumbling back into his throat.

"MEHEHERCY! MEHEHEHEHEHERCY! SOHOHLAR STAHAHAHAP!" Mateo screamed as he desperately tried to get the hands out of his armpits.

Solar, seeing his desperate state, stopped so he could breathe. They lifted him up and hugged him. They rubbed his back in order to calm him down.

"You okay there, love?" Solar asked as they played with his blue hair.

Mateo hummed as he buried his burning face into the crook of Solar's neck. "I-ihi'm fihine.." He giggled.

Solar smiled softly. "That's one way to wake you up." They spoke, smirking when Mateo whined.

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