Homework Problems

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Author's Note: This is really short, (like 823 words or something.) But i hope you enjoy this. This is also on my Tumblr, but i wanted to add this here as well since i didn't publish a fic yet on Wattpad. Although, enjoy.

Fandom: My Hero Academia

Lee: Yuga Aoyama

Ler: Tenya Iida


It was a normal day in the dormitory. Half of the class were playing games, half were watching tv.

The only one who wasn't doing anything was Yuga Aoyama.

The male was currently doing homework that Aizawa had passed out yesterday. He didn't have any time for tomfoolery or distractions. The irritated thing that got him going was some of the questions. They were clearly hard, thanks to Aizawa.

The male pouted as he sat up, just as he was about to give up, Iida walked passed him, walking along the tiled floor as he hummed a song. An idea then came into Aoyama's head as he turned to the bluenette. "Hey, Iida-Kun!"

Iida stopped in his tracks as he heard his name. He turned around as a small smile formed on the male's face. "Ohayō, Aoyama. Can i help you? The bluenette asked as he walked over to the blonde.

"Yes, you can actually." Aoyama started as Iida sat down next to him. "Can you help me with these questions? Their hard..." He said as he pouted once more.

Iida looked at the questions as he smiled softly. "Of course. I just finished earlier. Would you like to come to my dorm so we can discuss over it?"

Aoyama smiled as he clapped his hands in excitement. "Oui! Thank you, mon ami!" The blonde said as he started to pick up his stuff.

In Iida's Dorm Room -

As the two males were sitting in Tenya's dorm. They both started to work on the homework, Aoyama still couldn't seem to understand it though. "Ugh! C'est dur! Aizawa-Sensei is a pain in the ass!"

"Hey! Language, Aoyama. Come on, i'm sure you'll get it, Watashi no yūjin!" Iida said as he smiled over to Aoyama. The blonde only groaned as he plopped himself onto Iida's bed. "No i won't, mon ami! Aizawa's ruthless when it comes to homework!"

Iida only stared at the blonde. Thoughts running through the male's head as he thought of ideas to help his dear friend. Then an idea popped in, a slight smirk forming the bluenette's face as he looked over to Aoyama. "I think i have a way to help you, Aoyama."

This caught the blonde's attention, he quickly shot up at the mention. "What is it?" He asked, clearly curious and impatient. He really wanted to get this homework done and over with.

When Aoyama had his guard down, Tenya pounced on the blonde, causing a shriek from Aoyama. "H-hey! Mon ami? What are you doing?'

Iida only smirked in response. "I'm helping you of course,Watashi no yūjin!" Tenya spoke as he stared down at the blonde, Aoyama however was confused by this. "How is pinning me down "helping me"?"

What caught Aoyama off guard was Iida placing his hands on his sides as he started tickling up and down them. The blonde giggled uncontrollably as he squirmed around, trying to get the male's hands off of his sides. "M-mohon amihihi! Iida stohohop!"

The bluenette only smiled as he chuckled at the blonde. "No way! Your smiling so much right now. Besides, it's helping isn't it?" Aoyama only laughed as hands started scratching at his ribs causing an embarrassingly cute snort out of the blonde.

"Aww, you snort? How much more adorable can you get?" Iida asked as he smiled at the growing blush on Aoyama's cheeks. "N-nohohohoho! Nohot adorable!" The blonde protested as he started to push at the hands on his sensitive ribs.

This only caused Iida to suddenly grab his wrists and pin them above his head as the other hand went to his stomach, vibrating his hand as the other male squealed loudly.

"I-IHIHIDA! NOHOT MY TUHUHUMMY!" Aoyama shouted out, squirming like crazy as his worst spot was exploited. Iida laughed along with the blonde as he sped up the tickling. "Cohohome on Aoyama. It can't be that bad!"


"Well I'm glad I'm not in your place then." Iida said with a smirk. "Besides, your not even telling me to stop!"

A red blush grew on Aoyama's face as a giggly whine was heard from the blonde. "S-SHUHUHUT UP!" Aoyama shrieked as a playful raspberry was blown onto Aoyama's stomach.

Iida smirked as he let go of Aoyama's wrists, just so he can squeeze his sides repeatedly. "That's for telling me to shut up."

Aoyama kicked his legs behind Iida as he squeaked from each squeeze to his sides. "Nohohoho! I-ihihida!"

Let's just say that Aoyama didn't get any homework done for the rest of the day.

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