Hide and Seek

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Requested by @BeatrizCampbell

Sanders Sides X Oc
Hide and Seek

Lee: Haru and Anthony
Ler(s): Liam and Roman

Words: 800


"Come out, come out wherever you are~."

Haru couldn't hold in his giggling, he had to cover his mouth so he doesn't give away his hiding spot. Liam had decided they should play Hide and Seek, of course, Haru and Anthony thought it was alright.. until Liam said that whoever got found gets tickled. Anthony was both nervous and giggly as Haru had a hard time with his giggling.

Haru squeaked when he heard a door open. He eventually heard footsteps and someone's voice, it wasn't Liam's. "Haru, I know you're in here. You might as well come out and I may go easy on you."

Haru eventually recognized the voice as Roman, Haru's giggling eventually got louder and he had to cover his mouth. He squealed when Roman pulled him out of his hiding place. "Nononono!! Roman! Puhuhut mehehe dohown!" Haru shrieked as he grabbed onto Roman's wrists and started giggling in anticipation.

Haru jolted when he heard Anthony's loud laughter from down the hall. This didn't help Haru calm down as his giggling only got louder. "Nohohoho! Rohohoman, plehehease!"

"Nope! Come on, you and I both know that you actually want this." Roman said as he lifted up Haru and carried him out of the room.

Haru blushed a dark red and shook his head, giggles slipping out of his mouth. "I-ihihi do nohohot!!"

"Yes you do." Roman said with a chuckle as they both eventually made it to where both Liam and Anthony were. Anthony was laughing hysterically as Liam had his hands underneath his arms, scribbling at the spot where his hands were trapped in by Anthony's arms that were glued to his sides. "GEHEHEHET OHOHOUT OF THEHEHERE!" Anthony squealed as he kicked his legs behind Liam.

"I can't get my hands out if you don't lift your arms up." Liam said with a chuckle as he continued scribbling his fingers underneath Anthony's arms.


"...yeah, you're right about that."

Roman suddenly plopped Haru on the ground next to Anthony. Haru squealed and immediately tried getting away until Roman held onto his hips, a loud shriek escaping his mouth. "H-hehehey! Nohohot thehehere, plehehease!"

"Look who I found~." Roman said with a smirk as he pinned Haru to the ground. Haru was giggling frantically until he heard Liam's voice. "Aww.. you got found? Who am I kidding, I already knew that you'd get found eventually." Liam said with a small grin on his face, Anthony was still under him laughing uncontrollably, tears eventually formed in his eyes from how hard he was laughing.

"L-Liahaham.. Rohohoman...! Plehehease!" Haru said as she grabbed onto Roman's hands that were about ready to torment his hips.

"You already know the safeword if it gets too much." Roman said as he eventually moved his hands to Haru's sides. He squeak left the ravenette's mouth as small giggles filled the air. Liam set his hand onto Haru's head and started playing with his hair to calm him down. This easily worked as Haru melted into the affection.

"God, you're cute." Liam stated with a small smile. Anthony was left on the floor, wrapping his arms around his abdomen as the rest of his giggles finally stopped.

"I am not—" Before Haru could even finish his sentence, a squeal left his mouth as his laughter soon filled the air once Roman started scribbling his fingers up his sides. "Rohohoman!"

"What? I can't help it." Roman replied with a grin as he continued the assault, which only made Haru's laughter get much louder.

"NOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" Haru shrieked as he grabbed onto Roman's hands that were tormenting his hips. He didn't even try to push them away, he laid there laughing hysterically.

Liam chuckled softly as he looked down at his hysterical lover. "Aww.. can't take it there?"

"YOHOHOU KNOHOW IHI CAHAHAN'T!" Haru squeaked out as his laughter increased. He was kicking his legs, trying hard enough not to kick anyone. "GEHEHET AHAHAWAY FROHOM THEHERE!"

"Okay okay, I'll leave your poor hips alone." Roman chuckled as he moved his hands away from Haru's hips.

Haru sighed in relief as he let go of Roman's arms. Small giggles continued to escape his lips as he curled up into a ball to protect himself from anymore tickle attacks.

Haru squealed in surprise when Liam tackle-hugged him. Anthony eventually crawled over to the two and placed himself into Haru's arms. The ravenette smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around Anthony who relaxed in his arms.

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