"You're Beautiful, No Matter What."

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A/N: this might(?) be pretty short since i still have some more request to do that other people submitted

Requested by  fangirllovr01

Stranger Things Fanfic

Eddie Munson X Gender Neutral!Reader

Words: 1.23k 

TW: insecurities about body

Could be either romantic or platonic, your choice!

Lee/Ler/Switch - Lee!Reader, Ler!Eddie Munson

Here's what you guys need to know about the reader!

(Y/N) = (your/name)

(L/N) = (last/name)

(P/N) = (pronouns)

(H/C) = (hair/color)

(E/C) = (eye/color)

(H/L) = (hair/length)


Eddie Munson, the man who went to Hawkins HIghschool being both leaders of the Hellfire club AND the Corroded Coffin, was your boyfriend. Everyone was surprised since many people has hated him due to not understanding him at all. What you see in him was a funny and outgoing guy, you didn't understand why people hated him, he was a very good guy!

You met your boyfriend during highschool, you were 19 while Eddie was still 20. After a few months of knowing each other, you started dating and hanging out with each other out of school.

You both even shared a house with each other. So as soon as you came out of your shared bathroom, your (h/l), (h/c) hair dripping wet as you had came out of the shower minutes ago. You wore a sports bra (if you're a male then you're shirtless, and if your a female/feminism non-binary you're wearing a sports bra)- as you went up to your body mirror, looking at yourself.

You then start to have negative thoughts running through your mind, "Were you too fat?" The thought kept running through your brain as you continued to look at yourself in the mirror, grabbing a bit a fat under your stomach. Just the thought of it wanted you to start crying.

(P/n) didn't notice that Eddie had soon walked into the room, stopping as soon as he saw what you were doing and thinking. You did this often and everytime, Eddie has come to comfort you when you would always feel insecure about something.

The male sighed softly before he went up to you. He walked up behind you and grabbed onto your hips. You gasped at the sudden impact and lifted your head up seeing your boyfriend behind you. "E-Eddie! How's it going?" you said, trying to ease your way out of the situation by talking to the male.

Eddie raised a eyebrow as he looked into your (e/c) eyes, their was a shiver done your spine as you looked back into his brown ones. "You're doing it again." Eddie then spoke, catching you off guard.

"What?" you replied

"You're thinking negative thoughts as you look at yourself in the mirror." Your eyes widened before you looked at the ground. "Love, we've talked about this. You're perfect the way you are."

"You're only saying that because you're my boyfriend." (p/n) mumbled as you continued to look away from Eddie. 

"I promise you i'm not. I love you the exact way you are, and nothing is going to change that." Eddie spoke softly, making you heart ache as you then start to feel tears stream down your cheeks. "B-but.. I can you when i'm so.. fat?" you spoke so soft, Eddie wouldn't probably be able to hear you.

Eddie grabbed hold of you chin, lifting your head up so your (e/c) eyes could look directly into his. "(Y/N) (L/N). You do not talk like that, you hear? You're beautiful and you always will be." Eddie said sternly but softly. You could feel Eddie wiping the tears off of your cheeks with his thumb.

It was quiet for a moment, the both of you looking into each others eyes for the past minutes. That's when Eddie started speaking again, "(Y/N), you are the most beautiful person i have ever met. If i didn't like the way you looked, i would've left you, correct?" You thought for moment before nodding. He was right. If he didn't like your looks, he would've left you months ago.

You looked back at the mirror in front of you. Although Eddie did comfort you, you still had negative thoughts about your body. It was like Eddie had read your mind because he spoke once more. "You know what." Before you could react, Eddie had lifted you up and threw you on top of your shared bed.

You shrieked as you flew through the air for a few seconds before landing onto the bed, blushing ferociously as Eddie climbed on top of you, pinning you to the mattress. "E-Eddie! What is the meaning of this?!" You shouted flustered as you looked up at you grinning boyfriend. "Since you won't agree with me that you're beautiful.." he trailed off, placing his hands on your sides, making you squeak and for your eyes to widen.

"I'll tickle you until you agree with me. And by the time you don't.. It's not going to be good for you." Eddie said as he chuckled at your blushing face.

You shook your head ferociously as your blush deepened. "Nohoho! T-that's not fair!" You accused as you squealed from the squeeze to your sides. "Eheheddie!"

Eddie kissed you softly, grinning as he could feel you giggling in the kiss, soon breaking apart. "Your choice, Love. Either agree with me or suffer the consequences." Eddie said, a small smirk appearing on his face as he looked at you. Your blush deepened to a crimson red as you looked into your boyfriend's eyes with your (e/c) ones.

"B-buhuhut, it's true! I-ihi aham- Eheheddie nohoho!" you squealed as Eddie started squeezing your sides rapidly. "Nahahahaha!"

"I warned you! You should've agreed that you weren't fat, then this wouldn't be happening now would it?" Eddie spoke as he chuckled softly, enjoying your adorable laughter.

You curled up into a ball as Eddie continued to squeeze your sides. "Quihihit ihit!" You squeaked as Eddie moved to your stomach, making you laugh harder. "No can do. You know how to make this stop."

Eddie sat on your waist, pinning your legs with his own to stop you from moving so much. "You call yourself fat but look at how cute you are." Eddie teased as he started scratching your stomach, which obviously mad you squeal.


"You know how to make it stop! Just agree with me already!"


Eddie sighed dramatically. "You left me no choice then, Love." he said as he leaned down, his face inches away from your stomach.

"E-Eheheddie? Eddie? What are you doin-" before you could finish your sentence, Eddie sucked in air a blew raspberry after raspberry on your stomach.

You shrieked.

"NOHOHO! G-GEHET OHOFF!" You cackled as you desperately pushed against his head. After which seemed like the 7th raspberry, you started shouting, "OKAY! OHOHOKAY! IHI GIHIVE!"

Eddie immediately stopped and started rubbing away the ghost tickles. He smiled upon still hearing your soft giggling as you gained back energy. "So.. you have something to say?"

You groaned but squealed when Eddie placed his hands back on your sides. "Ohokay, okahahay! Ihi'm nohot fahat!" You cried out as you heard Eddie chuckle.

"Thought so." Eddie said, smiling softly. "But do know, i do love you, i don't care about what you look like." Eddie reassured you. You looked up at Eddie, smiling softly.

"There's the smile i fell in love with." He chuckled as he got off of you. soon laying down next to you. You giggled as you went up to Eddie and hugged him tightly, kissing him passionately

After a few seconds, you broke the kiss leaving Eddie all blushy and flustered

"Love you, Eddie."

Eddie smiled softly. "Love you too, (Y/N)."

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