"I'm Not So Scary, Now Am I?"

576 1 0

Words: 940

Lee/Ler/Switch: Lee!Haru, Ler!Deceit

Summary: Deceit has popped into Haru's room one day uninvited. Haru was terrified, however, Deceit has came to show Haru that he is actually harmless


"AHHHHH!! STAY BACK!" Haru screamed as he fell to the floor, above him was a grinning snake, Deceit.

"Calm down, darling. I totally didn't come in peace." Deceit said, a lie in his words as he stared down at the trembling male below him.

As Deceit moved closer, Haru continued to move backwards until his back hit a wall. He shrieked when he noticed that Deceit was now face to face with him, that same devilish grin on his face.

"W-what do y-you want from m-me?" Haru asked in a hushed tone as he continued trembling underneath the brunette's gaze.

Deceit continued grinning. "Why my dear, it seems to me that you're.. scared." He stated with a chuckle. "Oh you mustn't be afraid of me, darling! I'm harmless!"

Haru continued to stay silent before speaking. "..how do I know you're not lying to me right now?" He asked silently soft, whimpering when Deceit held onto his chin.

"Well that's easy! All I have to do is.. this."

Haru squeaked when he felt fingers scratching under his chin and around his collar bone. He started giggling hysterically as well as melting into the touch. "N-nahahaha! Deheceit!!"

Deceit just chuckled as he continued with the assault. "It doesn't seem like you like it." Deceit said, although, Haru could still sense the lie in his sentence.

Deceit smirked as he watched Haru melt into his touch. Soon after, Deceit used his other two hands that came from his caplet grab onto Haru's arms and lift him up and onto the wall.

Haru squeaked as he was lifted up. He looked down and noticed that he wasn't touching the ground. Haru squealed when Deceit added fingers under his arms. "NONONOHOHO! NOHOHOT THEHERE!" He complained as he kicked his legs, anything to be able to get away from the unbearable sensation.

"Oh? Not here? You sure do like it here if you're laughing so much." (Yeah I gave up on speaking in lie) Deceit stated as he sped up his tickling. Haru shrieked before falling into loud laughter. "HEHEHELP MEHEHE!!" Haru shouted out as he continued laughing.

Deceit chuckled evilly. "There's no use, no one can hear you. They're all helping Thomas with another video. So it's just me and you for who knows how long!" Deceit explained in excitement.

Haru shook his head rapidly. "NOHOHOHO!" He shook his head so much that his bangs moved from his now teary eyes.

"Aww, you're blushing. How cute, I bet this gets to you." The brunette said with a smirk. Two of his arms held Haru's wrist above his head as he was pinned to the wall, away from the floor, another two were digging into his armpits as he continued screaming and laughing loudly.

Apparently, Deceit added another two to the mix, but, these two went to the male's hips and began digging into the hipbones.

Haru screamed so loud that if the others were still here, they'd bust into the room by now. "DEHEHECEHEIT!!" Haru screamed out as his loud laughter became desperate. "IHIH CAHAHAN'T!"

Deceit just grinned devilishly. "Sure you can! Look, you're taking it like it doesn't even matter!" He exclaimed, enjoying the ravenette's hysterical and desperate laughter.

"NAHAHAHA! DEHECEIT PLEHEHEASE!" Haru screamed out as he kicked his legs frantically.

"Please what, my dear?" Deceit asked with that same smirk on his face.

"PLEHEHEASE STAHAP!" Haru cackled loudly as Deceit found sensitive spot on his hips. Haru curled up, his legs almost to his chest from the height he was at. He only uncurled himself when he started kicking his legs again.

Deceit raised an eyebrow before slowing down. "Let me ask you something; are you still afraid of me?" He asked as he stared into Haru's dark red eyes.

Haru shook his head frantically. "I-IHI'M NOHOT! IHI'M NOHOT, I SWEHEHEAR!" Haru shouted before laughing hysterically again. "PLEHEHEASE! JUHUST STAHAP!"

Deceit hummed before stopping completely and lowering Haru down from the wall. As soon as Haru touched the floor he collapsed and curled up into a ball to protect himself from anymore upcoming tickle attacks.

Haru continued giggling, his face a bright crimson red as he used his arm to try to muffle the rest of his laughter. When he looked up he saw Deceit smirking at him which only made him continue laughing.

He squeaked when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up and noticed Deceit was no longer there.

"P-Pahatton?" Haru asked, blinking to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

Patton smiled softly. "The one and only! You alright, you look... tried, exhausted even, you're also very giggly."

Haru's blush deepened. "N-nohothing! I-i'm fine, promise."

"If you say so. We just got done with the video with Thomas, so dinner will be ready in 5." Patton said as he got up. "You wanna help me?" He asked hopefully.

Haru nodded as he smiled softly, he started getting up before Patton grabbed him from under his arms in order to help him. Haru squealed as he was lifted up, laughing as he held onto Patton's wrists. "P-pahahatton!!"

"Oops, sorry!" Patton said with a small giggle. "Come on, let's go make dinner." He said as he set Haru on his own feet. As soon as Patton left, Haru was going to follow, but he swore to himself that he heard chuckles from behind him when he left.

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