"Cheer Up." - Shoji X Reader

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Requested by @Dream0625 (don't know why it won't let me tag you 🤷😭).

A/N: this took forever as I have school and exams coming up soon. Sorry this took forever, darling 😅

"Cheer up."
Shoji X Reader

Lee/Ler/Switch: Lee!Reader, Ler!Shoji
(Reader will be gender neutral so pronouns for Reader will be they/them. You can change them if you want.)

Word count: 1.09K


"Love? You alright?" Shoji asked as Y/N immediately walked into his dorm room and flopped onto his bed head first, their head being stuffed with a few pillows.

Shoji heard muffled talking coming from his significant other, he heard some words like; "Bad day." And "Gonna sleep till the end of the day."

Shoji just shook his head as he went over to his bed, and sat at the edge of it as he rubbed Y/N's back. "You gonna be alright, Y/N." He asked them softly as they relaxed under his touch.

"I'm fine.." They mumbled before a squeak left their mouth and they jolted up a bit.

There was silence.

"Did I accidentally hurt you?" Shoji said as he moved his hand away from their back. "No no, I'm fine. Just surprised me is all." Y/N mumbled, a blush overcoming their features as they sat up.

"Surprised you?" Shoji asked, an eyebrow raised.


"Mhm." Shoji hummed as he reached his hand out a bit to poke at their side, causing Y/N to jump and squeal before they moved away from Shoji.

"Oh... you're just—"

"I am not!"

"You didn't let me finish talking. How do you know what I'm about to say?" Shoji asked as he smirked a bit, but despite the mask on his face, it wasn't really visible.

Y/N sat in silence before they jumped off the bed and darted towards the door.

They didn't get far because Shoji quickly grabbed them and pulled them into his chest, his hands resting on Y/N's sides which eventually made them squeal a bit.

"You are ticklish." Shoji said with a chuckle.

"No! No I'm not!" Y/N shouted as their blush grew, they squeaked and started giggling as Shoji ran his fingers over their sides. "Shohoji! Nohohoho!"

"Awww... Shoji, yes. You shouldn't have ran away and just told me if you were ticklish or not. This is your own fault." The male stated as he chuckled softly, continuing to run his fingers over Y/N's sides.

"Yohohou wohohould've tihihickled me eihihiter wahahay!" Y/N complained as their giggles got louder. "Thihis ihisn't fahahair! Yohohou have multihihiple ahaharms!!"

Shoji hummed as a smirk came onto his face. "That's not my fault that my quirk gives me multiple arms. I think they're pretty useful if you ask me. I could use them to get all of your tickle spots if possible."


"Yes I could. You wanna find out?"

"Shohohoji, I swehehear ihif yohou— SHOHOHOJI!"

Y/N squealed and started laughing loudly as Shoji began drilling his thumbs into their sides. Another pair of hands joined in on squeezing Y/N's ribs.

"See? This seems effective." Shoji said with a chuckle as he continued his assault.

"SHOHOHOJI!" Y/N shrieked as their laughter got louder.

"Yes, my love? Is something wrong?" Shoji asked innocently, despite that he was tickling his significant other mercilessly.

"STOHOHOHOP IHIHIT! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!" They squealed as they laid their head onto Shoji's chest, laughing their heart out at the torturous sensation that was vibrating through their body.

"It's supposed to tickle, love. I can't do anything about it." Shoji said with a smirk.

"YOHOHOU CAHAHAN DOHO SOHOHOMETHING BY STOHOHOPPING!" Y/N shouted, their eyes filling with tears from the force of their laughter. They grabbed onto Shoji's arms but couldn't really push him away as he was much more stronger than Y/N. "SHOHOHOJI! PLEHEHEHEASE!"

"You gonna tell me what happened to make you so upset?" Shoji asked as he slowed down a bit. Y/N was now in a state of giggles as they still laid their head onto Shoji's chest.

"I-ihihit's stuhuhupid!" Y/N complained as they continued giggling hysterically in Shoji's arms. "For something to make you upset isn't stupid, love. You gonna tell me? Or am I gonna have to tickle you until you decide to tell me what happened?" Shoji asked with a small smirk as he rested his hands onto Y/N's ribs. They squeaked as small giggles left their mouth.

"S-Shohohoji..." Y/N said with small giggles as they started squirming a bit to get away from the taller.

"I'm giving you a chance to explain what happened~." Shoji said in a teasing tone of voice. He chuckled a bit. "Come on, Y/N. It can't be that hard."

Y/N whined and shook their head. They squealed when they felt Shoji's hands on their stomach. "OK! OHOHOKAY!" Y/N shouted as hysterical giggling left their mouth. They immediately grabbed onto Shoji's hands to stop them from moving. "I-IHIHI'LL TEHELL YOHOU! Just dohohon't!!"

Shoji chuckled as he moved his hands away from their stomach. "Go on then, Y/N." He stated as he stared at his significant other in his arms with a small grin on his face.

Y/N took a breath as they relaxed a bit. "Exams." They mumbled. "You know how Aizawa-sensei is with giving us tons of work as well as training."

Shoji nodded as he just rested his hands onto Y/N's sides as comfort. "I hear you. But you do need this. Being a hero in training isn't easy."

Y/N hummed as they relaxed in Shoji's arms. "I know... but it's just so much." They mumbled.

"Why don't we just relax and watch a movie, huh? How does that sound?" Shoji asked with a smile as he turned to Y/N.

Y/N smiled as they looked up at Shoji. "I'd... like that actually."

For the rest of the afternoon, you and Shoji watched a couple movies until eventually you fell asleep in his arms.

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