Todoroki's Insecurities

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Request from xxxTodorokiSimpxxx i hope you like it!

Summary: Todoroki has an insecurity of his laugh and wants to hide it from other people. Midoriya is having none of it

Words: 622

Lee: Midoriya, Todoroki

Ler: Midoriya, Todoroki

Basically a tickle fight lmao 🏃💨


"Aww, come on Todoroki-Kun. That was funny!" Midoriya giggled as he looked at his boyfriend struggling to hold in his laughter.

"N-no, it wasn't!" Todoroki argued back.

"Then why are you hiding your cute little smile?" Midoriya smirked.

Midoriya and Todoroki were currently watching a comedy show. It was quite funny but for some reason, Todoroki would cover his laugh or hide his smile.

Todoroki blushed, looking away from his cheery boyfriend, "I-i just don't like laughing."

Midoriya looked confused, "You... Don't like laughing?"

The half and half hero scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly "It's really hard to explain."

Midoriya hummed, understanding, "Todoroki-Kun. Do you have.. insecurities of your laugh?"

Todorki sat silence for a few minutes and then nodded.

"Aww, it's okay Sho! No one will make fun of you." Midoriya smiled, pecking todoroki on the cheek

Todoroki blushed at the affection, "You don't know that." He whined, pushing his boyfriend away.

Midoriya gasped dramatically, "Oh dear. My poor Todoroki! What ever shall i do?" He smirked reaching his hands out to grab onto his sides.

Todoroki squeaked and covered his mouth as Midoriya's fingers came to life, scribbling up and down his sides. Quiet giggling could be heard beneath Todoroki's hands.

"See? Your laugh is cute!" Midoriya cooed at him, smirking at the rising blush beneath his hands.

"N-no! Nahahat cute!" Todoroki giggled, keeping one hand covering his mouth and the other quickly grabbing onto Midoriya's hands.

Midoriya easily grabbed Todoroki's arm lifting it up and scribbling into his armpit causing todoroki to squeal.

"NOHOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAT THEHERE!" Todoroki cackled, kicking his legs uselessly behind Midoriya.

Midoriya chuckled, "Aww, but i like this spot! Don't you? It makes you hysterical!"

Todoroki shook his head, laughing hysterically, "STOHOHOHOP!"

"Stop what?"

Now Midoriya knew he wouldn't fall for his trick. Todoroki's to smart for-


Guess he was wrong.

"Keep tickling you? Okay, wasn't going to anyway." Midoriya laughed, shoving both of his hands into his armpits.

Todoroki shrieked, cackling madly, "NOHOHO! MIDOHOHORIYA PLEHEASE!"

Midoriya, wanting to be a little merciful, stopped tickling his boyfriend to let him breathe.

What he didn't know is that Todoroki was getting revenge. Shoto grabbed Izuku's hips and started squeezing them rapidly.

Midoriya shrieked, laughing hysterically, "NOHOHOHOHO! WHY THEHEHERE!?" The greenette asked, cackling.

Todoroki only smirked, pinning Midoriya's lower body with his legs, "Go for my worst spot, i go for yours."

"IHI'M SAHAHAHARRY!" Deku desperately shrieked.

Todoroki chuckled, "Still not stopping, Midoriya." He declared, using his thumbs to drill into his sensitive hips.

Midoriya pushed at Todoroki's hands like his life depended on it, "PLEASE! PLEHEHEHEASE! STOHOHOP! I CAHAHAN'T TAKE IHIHIT!"

Todoroki, seeing how desperate and tired he was, stopped and got off of his green headed boyfriend. Midoriya giggled at the phantom tickles, burying his face into Todoroki's shirt.

Todoroki stroked Midoriya's hair to calm down. After a few minutes, he finally asked, "You okay, Midoriya?"

"Nohoho!" Midoriya giggled, shoving at Todoroki's shoulder, "I hahate yohou."

Todoroki smirked, moving his hand above his hips, "Are you asking for a round 2?"

Midoriya squealed while jumping away, covering his hips while giggling hysterically, "N-no! Plehehease no mohore."

Todoroki chuckled, moving his hands away, "No more i promise."

Midoriya snuggled up close to Todoroki. Falling asleep minutes later.

Todoroki smiled at his adorableness

Now because of this, Todoroki doesn't have this insecurity anymore


Finally finsihed with this-

Hoped ya enjoyed 🏃💨✨

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