"Laughing Is For Children"

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Quick A/N; Im ungrounded so here's a one-shot i was planning on publishing

One-Shot: "Laughing Is For Children"

Ships: Logan/Logic X Reader

Warnings: Tickling, English is not my only language so sorry if i misspelled something!

You and the guys were all in the living room watching a TV. show. You guys were all watching a comedy show, you all were laughing while Logan just sat there not laughing at all and starring at his phone. You then seemed to notice and spoke to him,

"Oh come on Logan! Why not laugh in a while?" You said. Logan just rolled his eyes and answered

"Because, Laughing is for children, y/n."

"Children are not the only ones who laugh Logan. Adults laugh as well!" Patton said while giggling from the show

Logan just scoffed

"I know that Patton. But i am a more mature and professional adult. I don't laugh." You just rolled your eyes at what Logic said

"Just laugh often Logan! There's nothing bad about it!" You exclaimed as you poked his side

The squeak you heard from Logan surprised you. You did it again and you got the same reaction

You smirked

"Ticklish, Logan?"

You saw a bright red blush spread across Logan's face so you knew he was. Logan then backed away from you and the guys until his back was pressed onto the arm of the couch

"N-now, Y/n! This isn't necessary, i told you laughing is for children!" You smirked at his stuttering thinking it was honestly adorable that the logical side that barely show emotions is blushing and backing away from you

"Well then, i guess we should fix that, shall we?" Before Logan even had a chance to speak, you already had pounced onto him and pinning his arms above his head

Logan tried to get his arms free but found it impossible because of how tight you were holding onto them

"Hey guys!" You then called out to the 3 other sides starring at the scene that you had created. "A little help?" You smirked

Virgil then got up and walked towards you and Logan, grabbing his arms so he couldn't push your hands away or attack you

Then came Patton and Roman. Patton on the left side of you and Roman near his feet holding down his ankles so he couldn't move them

Logan tried but failed in trying to escape your clutches. He then just laid there and accepted his fate since there was no where close to escaping

You smirked down at him which made him blush before scribbling your fingers onto his sides

When you got little reaction you un-tucked his shirt and lifted it up before wiggling your fingers on his now exposed belly

To your surprise, Logan, the logical side who never laughs was actually laughing from the scribbling!

You actually adored the sight below you, but jumped when he exploded into loud laughter. You looked over to your left to see Patton squeezing his hips as Logan tried to get away from the evil hands

You chuckled, looking back at Logan's now bright red face


You only smirked and looked at Virgil who looked at Roman. Virgil started scratching at his armpits with one hand as Roman put his feet into a head-lock and scribbling his fingers all over them


He was screaming and squealing like a girl as he tried to pull his arms from under Virgil's grip

Virgil smirked

"Hey, Teach. I'm kinda hungry. Do you know what I'm in the mood for?" Virgil said as he looked at the panicked face Logan had


Virgil chuckled evilly before he blew a few raspberries on his neck. You and Patton then decided to attack his hips, you on the right and Patton on the left

Logan couldn't stop laughing because of how bad it tickled. All of the guys and you saw that he was going into silent laughter and stopped tickling him to let him breathe

Everyone looked down at Logan as he curled up in a protective ball just in case of any upcoming attacks. You all just laughed at his cuteness

"So, do you still think laughter is for children?" Roman asked him while smirking as Logan was taking deep breaths

"No..." Logan answered as he laid down onto your lap blushing at the "Aww!" Patton did

You all continued to watch the show until someone squeezed your sides. You squealed and moved away quickly to see Logan smirking at you. Before you could get up and run, he grabbed your leg and pulled you over to him

"Payback~" Logan said as he began scribbling at your belly


Sorry for not publishing!!

Got grounded for a month. But i was working on this for a few days now a i finally finished it.

It should've been published last week but I've had been busy with school

Well goodbye for now!

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