Sneaky Little Sister

511 3 5

Lee/Ler/Switch: Lee!Seiko , Ler!Sora

Words: 674

Prompt: "Can you reach up and grab that for me?"


"Big brother!" Sora called out, her head popping out from the door frame of the living room.

Seiko, who was currently with his other sibling, looked up. "What's up, Sora?" The male asked softly.

"I need helppp." Sora whined as she stepped out of the living room with a pout.

The male chuckled, although they were both the exact same age, Sora always acted like she was way younger. He turned to look at Shiro. "You have a minute?"

Shiro nodded. "Yeah, go on ahead." He stated. "I'll be fine." He said in his usual monotone voice.

Seiko smiled. "Thanks, big bro." He said as he went off.

"We're triplets, we're the same age." The male spoke out, watching as Seiko went to go help Sora to whatever she needed.

As Seiko entered the living room, he saw that Sora was near the bookshelf. "So, whatcha need?" He asked.

Sora pointed at the bookshelf. "Can you reach up and grab that for me?" She asked. "I can't reach it." She said with a pout.

Seiko looked at the bookshelf and noticed that Sora was pointing at her violin that somehow got up there.

"How did your-"

"Don't ask. Can you just grab it for me?"

The male chuckled as he walked up to his sister, once there, he ruffled her hair. "Shorty. Sure, I'll get it." He laughed as Sora threw off his hand in mock anger.

"Just get it!" She pouted as she stomped her foot onto the ground like a toddler.

The male rolled his eyes playfully as he reached up to try and grab the violin. What he didn't know is that Sora had actually placed the violin there on purpose.

He couldn't see the mischievous look in his sister's eyes until he felt her fingers digging into his ribs.

Seiko's eyes widened before he shrieked and started laughing. "Wahahait- SOHOHORA!" He squealed as he tried to get the girl's hand off of his ribs.

Sora giggled as she continued her assault. "That's my name! Don't wear it out. Does it tickle that bad?" She asked, watching as Seiko fell to the floor from his laughter, Sora following him to the ground as well.

"NAHAHAHA! YEHEHES, IHIT DOHOES!" Seiko screamed as he kicked his legs. "STAHAHAP!"

"Nope." Sora grinned. "This is cute and I'm totally not letting this advantage go to waste." The girl said with a small giggle. "You're even blushing!"

Seiko covered his face with an arm while his other tried desperately to get her hands off of his ribs. "SHUHUT UHUP! I-IHI'M NOHOT!"

"Yes you are! Aww, you look so cute right now!" Sora exclaimed.

"NOHOHO!" The male laughed, tears threatening to fall from his eyes from all of his laughter. "IHIHI CAHAN'T TAHAKE IHIT!"

Sora rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes you can. You look just fine." The girl replied. "It's probably because you're just too ticklish."

Seiko kicked his legs frantically as he continued laughing hysterically at the unbearable sensations. Shiro looked into the living room to see what all the noise was about until he saw the situation his brother was in.

"Sora." Shiro said calmly as he stepped into the room.

Sora looked up, upon noticing her brother she smiled softly. "Hi, big bro! What's up?" She asked casually, acting like that she wasn't tickling her brother.

"SHIHIRO! GEHET HEHER OHOFF!" Seiko shrieked as Sora went for his stomach, laughing uncontrollably as he kicked his legs.

Surprisingly, Shiro chuckled softly. "You're having fun I assume."

Sora smiled brightly. "Yeah! Seiko and I are having tons of fun! Isn't that right, Seiko?" Sora asked her older brother as she continued to torment the older's stomach.

"NOHOHOHOHO!" Seiko shrieked out, tears falling down his bright red cheeks.

Shiro chuckled. "I'll leave you to it then. Don't kill him." He said before walking off.

"I won't!" Sora called out.

Seiko cackled as he pushed against her hands. "NAHAHAHA! SOHOHORA!"

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