Haru's Doom

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A/N - This was not a request, i was the one who thought of this- and it would not get out of my head until i had done it jdhdjdb

Anyways- enjoy my stupidity if you must

Lee/Ler/Switch - Lee!Haru, Ler!Virgil

Sanders sides x oc fanfic

Words: 1.08k

Summary - Haru has done the unthinkable, And it was a complete accident to! Now, Haru is on the run as he only has seconds to run and hide. He sure has to pay the price now. And that price is laughter



"Sorry isn't gonna cut it! You have to pay the price!"

Haru dashed around the mind palace as he tried to escape the vengeful anxious side behind him. You might be wondering why he's trying to outrun the dark side.

He broke Virgil's headphones.

And it was a complete accident! But as soon as he saw Virgil place his phone down and stood up slowly, Haru quickly ran out of that place, Virgil right on his tail. Haru already knew what Virgil was going to do once he catches him, so of course the ravenette was all blushy and giddy. The male looked behind him as he was running before squealing when he saw that Virgil was gaining up to him. "GOHO AWAHAY!" He shrieked as he turned back around and continued running from the anxious side. 

Virgil only grinned darkly in response. "No can do. You brought this upon yourself when you broke my headphones." Virgil chuckled as he heard Haru squeal. 

"Ihihi sahaid i wahas sorry! It wahas an accident, i swear!" The ravenette shouted back before turning a corner, soon realizing that it was a dead end. he was about to turn back around to run before he felt Virgil grab onto his sides lifting him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Haru started squealing and pounded onto Virgil's back to be let go. "NO! NOHOHOHO! LET MEHE GOHO!" He shouted as Virgil started walking to the living room and chuckled.

"No can do, buddy. You're gonna have to pay the price for this." Virgil spoke as he threw Haru onto the couch. Haru tried to hurry off the couch so he could escape, but Virgil quickly pinned him down to the soft cushions.

Haru blushed a crimson red as Virgil placed his hands onto his sides. "V-Vihirgil, plehehase!" He stuttered out as he looked up at the smirking dark side. "Hmm... tell me, why should i grant you mercy right now?" Virgil asked sinisterly. Haru gulped before he started speaking, "B-behecause you lohove me?" he said, which actually sounded like a question. Virgil squeezed Haru's sides making him squeal which soon turned into laughter as Virgil continued to squeeze his sides.

"That wasn't good enough. So, now you must suffer the consequences." The anxious side said as he smirked darkly, "Besides, you like this, don't you?" He asked, chuckling at the blush and whine come from the demon. "Nohohot truhue!" Haru replied, squealing again when Virgil started to kneed into the male's stomach. "Nohohot thehehere!" He giggled as he kicked his legs behind Virgil.

"Then where do you want me to tickle you? Here?" Virgil teased as his hands moved to his armpits, scratching into the male's hollows. Haru shrieked as he then started laughing much more now. "V-VIHIHIRGIL!" Haru laughed out as he hid his face into his shoulder, trapping Virgil's hands inside of his armpits.

"Yohou gohot my hands stuck! How do you expect me to stop tickling you if you trapped my hands inside of your armpits?" Virgil chuckled as he continued to scribble his fingers inside of his armpits, making the ravenette start squealing.

"GEHEHEHET THEHEM OHOUT! I CAHAN'T!" Haru shrieked as tears suddenly started to form in his eyes. "You have to lift your arms up! I won't be able to take them out if you don't." Virgil said, watching as Haru's face got even more red. Deciding to do it, Haru slowly started lifting his arms, and as promised, Virgil stopped tickling him. Haru sighed in relief before he felt hands on his hips.

"N-noho, Vihihirgil nohoho! I cahan't take it thehere!" Haru pleaded as he started kicking more frantically, shrieking when Virgil squeezed them to get him laughing. "VIHIHIRGIL!" Virgil just chuckled in response. "Sorry, it has to be done. Any last words before you get wrecked?" Haru started giggling as he shook his head uncontrollably. "Plehehase! J-juhuhst let mehe goho!"

Virgil raised an eyebrow before digging into the ravenette's hips. "Strange last words but it'll do." He shrugged before smirking. "Tickle tickle, Haru." he teased the male, seeing that Haru was laughing uncontrollably as his worst spot was getting destroyed.

"N-NAHAHAHAHA! NAHAT THEHERE! VIHIHIRGIL!" Haru cackled as he kicked his legs desperately for a chance of escaping. "IHI CAHAHAN'T TAHAKE IHIT!" He squealed as he curled up underneath Virgil.

Virgil looked down at Haru, noticing he tears in his eyes streaming down his face. The anxious side hummed before speaking. "Are you sorry for breaking my headphones?" He asked. Haru squealed yet again as Virgil hit a spot on his hips. "Y-YEHEHES! IHI AHAM! JUHUHUST STAHAP!" Haru shrieked, soon calming down as Virgil finally stopped torturing the poor male. Giggles still slipped out of his mouth as Virgil got off of him. "I-ihi'm sohohorry.." Haru spoke, still giggling as he looked up at Virgil who was on the ground staring at him.

"It's alright, really. But make sure that it doesn't happen in the future, alright?" Virgil said softly as he rubbed Haru's back to calm him down. Haru's tail started wagging as Virgil rubbed his back. "o-okay, it wohon't happen agahain." Haru said as he wiped the tears that were still streaming down his face.

Virgil soon started smiling, "Good, or else i'll tickle you much worse than what i did just now." He stated smirking as he made his hands look like claws. Haru squealed before getting off the couch and running quickly to his room, his giggles could still be heard as he ran.

Virgil chuckled as he got up and went to his own room, listening to music before the event even happened.

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