A Ticklish Sleepover

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❗⚠ Quick Announcement ⚠❗: Sorry for not publishing I was doing my every day life and my grandfather just passed a few days ago Once again, Sorry for not publishing anything!


I found that picture on google. It's so cute and it fits with this story ✨👌

Words: 872

Ships: Logan X Patton (Logicality)

Warnings: Tickling (Of course)



Patton had just walked into Logan's room to see him once again working. Logic didn't see the morality trait walk in, he was to busy typing away at his computer

That's until Patton decided to sneak up behind the logical side to squeeze at his sides. Logan yelped and turned around quickly to see Patton's adorable smile

Logan looked at patton for a second and slowly calmed down

"Hello, Padre. Do you need anything?" Logic asked as he moved away from his desk.

Patton nodded, "Yep! I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover in my room." Patton said carrying on, "You've been working to hard lately and i wanted you to take a break so you don't overwork yourself."

Logan thought for a moment, the morality trait was right, he's been working day and night and he did need a break from all this paperwork he had stacked on his desk...

The logical trait nodded while smiling and followed Patton to his room

2 hours later
(Because i can. AND will 😌👌✨)

Patton and Logan were sitting on top of the morality trait's bed in their pajamas. Patton wearing a dog onesie while Logan wearing galaxy themed pajamas

Patton was currently "aww"ing at how adorable Logan looked. Logic had a red blush on his face and neck from it

They both have gotten bored a few minutes later, Patton was thinking about what they could do to past the time when he got an idea

He looked at Logan, who was currently staring off into space. When he wasn't looking he felt a sharp poke to his side which made him squeak and quickly look at morality

Patton lips curved into a tiny smirk, wiggling his fingers at Logan and shouted, "Tickle fight!" before pouncing on top of him

Logan shrieked when Patton dug into his sides. The logical trait was currently letting out adorable gigging while trying to pry morality's hands away

"P-pahahahatton! Stahahap!" Logan giggled, trying to get Patton away from his sides. But Patton didn't budge, he then sat on top of his hips to keep him from moving while skittering his fingers into his ribs making logic giggles louder

"Nope!" Patton cried. "Tickle tickle tickle, Logie!"

"Nohoho! Shuhuhut up! EEK!"

Patton was now drilling his thumbs into the hollows of Logan's armpits making his arms crash down and start cackling

"You're going to have to get me off in order to for me to stop. But i doubt that you can." The morality trait chuckled softly making the logical side blush

But Patton was right . . .

He needed to get him off

He realized that his left hand was free and took the chance to squeeze at his left side

"H-hehey! Lohohgan!" Patton giggled and tried grabbing at his hand but fell onto the side pf Logan and continued giggling

"Yes, Patton?" Logan teased while smirking, he got up and started scribbling his fingers at his belly making him giggle uncontrollably

Patton giggled and tried grabbing at his hands but he only got them pinned down by the logical side

"Lohohogan!" Patton giggled adorably which made Logan smile gently

He then chuckled softly, "Well, you're stuck in a ticklish situation now are you Patton?" Logan said digging into his hips, a known ticklish spot of Patton's

"NO! WAHAHAIT! PLEHEHEASE!" Patton nearly fell off the bed from his thrashing. He was cackling while kicking his legs trying to get Logan off of him

Logan just shook his head, chuckling. He was enjoying Patton's adorable laughter. When he was daydreaming he accidentally loosened his grip on Patton's arms. Patton took this as a chance and quickly grabbed onto the logical sides ribs surprising him out of his daze

Logan snorted and laughed as he was being attacked on his worst spot. "PAHAHATTON!" He tried to stay on top of the morality trait but he was quickly shoved off and being attacked by Patton's wiggling fingers

"Aww, kitchy kitchy coo, kiddo!"

Logan was on the edge of tears from the tickling. When Patton was plucking his ribs he then went into silent laughter

Patton saw this and stopped his attack but left his hands on his ribs just lightly tapping on them

"So.." He started, "Do you give up, or do i have to go again?" He said wiggling his fingers dangerously close to his ribcage

Logan squeaked and blushed as he saw his fingers near his ribs, "I-I GIVE! NO M-MORE!" He shouted as he squirmed left and right. This made Patton chuckle as he got of the logical side

"Don't worry, kiddo! I'm done." Patton looked at logan taking deep breaths from the ticklish hell he'd been through just a few minutes ago

Logan looked at Patton for a second, a smile spreading across his face

He should do this more often

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