Chapter 50 gender rvivle/ morinig

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Today is the day of the gender reveal party. I'm so excited to celebrate with my sister. Morning everyone Sam smiles. She's on cloud nine. Morning sis.can you My hair? Yes I can definitely do that for you. Let's go up to Ryder's room and do it. Okay I plug In the curling iron. And smiled at my sister let's do this. We are having the best she sister time. I curled her hair. Thank you sis Sam smiles anytime anytime. Let's get you dressed. Meanwhile Ryder is getting ready for the party. Looking good Ryder Sam smiles.  Thanks you too.  Aww thanks Ryder. The party is starting let's go.we headed out to the mr. Porter's everyone is in good spirit and Marshall smiles at us. Oh okay everyone is guessing the gender. It's almost time to reveal the gender of the baby Sam smiles okay 3-2-1! The dust stick exploded pink dust it's a girl Sam exclaimed! I know it Marshall was happy everyone is excited congrats auntie mayor humdinger smiled thank you so much. Sam has pink dust on her checks. I took a selfie with Sam. We're walking around to talk to everyone. It's a great day indeed Sam said it is. I'm happy but at the same time I miss dad it's okay sis I smiled he is watching over us. You're right rain Sam said as she walked around more. See what did I tell you mayor humdinger is happy and having a great time. You're right he is having a good time he chatting with the other guest at the party. He. Is indeed . We got some cake and ice cream we ate up it was good. I'm glad you liked it. Alex smiles we made it just for you Sam.
Please tell your grandpa it was delicious I will definitely do so. The party was wrapping up soon but everyone is okay they're having a good time and most of all my sister is happy so is my mom. We cleaned up the party space and we headed back to the lookout to chill the party was awesome Zuma smiles yea I agree Ryder said as he smiled at Sam. She is sitting on the couch with Skye who was smiling. You're going to be an amazing mom. Aw thanks Skye Sam grind I will try my best to be the best mom I can. I know you will be Skye said Sam was happy for one after all the party was a great time I'm lucky. Hey sis rain smiles as she sits down beside her. Hey rain I'm sleepy Sam said as her eyes close and she got comfortable on rain's body. Rain puts a hand on her head and rubs it love you soo much Sam rain whispers Sam smiles as she curled herself onto rain.  Chase smiles as he watches form the other couch  those two are joined at the hip chase smiles as Ryder sits down beside him oh I know Ryder said it was getting late but Ryder dint went to interpret the sleeping sisters so he let them stay on the couch. Shh Ryder said as he puts a hand on his lips to  single chase and Marshall that the sisters were still sleeping oh okay Marshall smiled night Ryder night Marshall he smiled see you in the morning. And with that Ryder and chase fell asleep  on the other couch.  It was morning . Rain and Sam were waking up morning sis rain smiles morning rain Sam smiles how did you sleep? I slept well thanks. The party was fun  it was morning girls Ryder said  morning Ryder Sam smiles as she hugged him. Morning everyone chase and Marshall smiled as they walked over to us . Morning you guys rain smiles how are you guys doing?  We're good Marshall smiles that's good  we all had so much fun. Definitely  I couldn't have it any other way chase smiles. Indeed it wen off great and I'm honestly excited to meet the baby she is going to be amazing. Hello everyone mayor goodway smiles as she walked into the lookout how are you mayor? Sam asked I'm good it's been hectic so I'm relaxing here with you guys it's al good mayor chase chuckles at his jock. Definitely. She dose so much for adventure bay. Oh don't you know it i went to do something special for her  because she helps us a lot. I think you're on to something Sam Ryder smiles we should have a party for mayor goodway she puts herself before anything and she runs a great town too I think she'll love a party so let's get started chase smiles as he walks over to the window. To make sure the mayor is not in sight. Okay operation party planning is a go  he said okay we need a space to have it  hum what about city hill Marshall said perfect rain smiles  as she flips  her party planing book. We need to get some cool things for the party we need to get a move on if we're going to do this without  the mayor catching on. Yea  we do chase smiles. We're making good time

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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