here we go again

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    There's nothing like a summer in Paris. The warm summer sun shining down and light breeze blowing through your hair. I always loved summering in Paris, but this time, it's different. I'm with my best friend, Anastasia Perez, and her longtime boyfriend, Adrian Pucey. Although I'm single on this trip, I'm completely okay with wandering around the streets of the "City of Love" alone.

    While Stass and Adrian are going on cute romantic dates together, I've been spending my time at Chez Julien drinking coffee with a book in my hand. If I'm going to be single in this city, might as well be the mysterious girl at a cafe like in one of the books I've read.

    Two years ago, when I was eighteen, I would've hated being here without a boyfriend or even a boy toy to play with. The thought of being alone to me was terrifying. It's probably because I spent most of my life in a relationship. There was Theodore Nott from the ages of eight to sixteen, Louis Argent for a brief period, and then Draco Malfoy.

    Draco Malfoy has to be one of my most interesting boyfriends. He was someone I loved the most and hated the most at the same time. There's no one like Draco. He had the power to make me feel so special and also completely worthless.

    After going against my parent's wishes two years ago when I decided to defer university for a semester to be with Draco, everything between the two of us was going well. We spent so much time alone together at Malfoy Manor, it felt like we were a happy married couple. I know it's ridiculous to think that way because I was so young, but I was so in love, that's what it felt like.

    Once we got to university at Ilvermorny, things continued to go well. There was no cheating or lies. Draco didn't decide to completely shut me out randomly one day. Our break up was merely because we couldn't grow together. I wanted one thing and he wanted another. We both have different mindsets when it came to out futures. I wanted to have a career and Draco just wanted a degree to make his family look good and planned on living off of his trust fund.

    I still love Draco, I always will. I'm just not in love with Draco anymore. I have moved on with my life and decided not to look back or dwell on past relationships. Doing that caused me a lot of problems in the past. Now that I'm twenty years old, I need to start thinking and acting like a mature adult.

    "Guess who I ran into today at the Louvre with Adrian", Stass said walking into my room as she brushed out her long dark brown hair.

    "Pansy Parkinson?", I guessed, not really interested in who Stass ran into while she was on her date with Adrian.

    "Ugh, no", she scoffed. "Like that bitch would know the difference between the Mona Lisa and a Monet."

    "Do you?"

    "That's besides the point, Stell."

    "Tell me, Stass. What is the point? Are you going to tell me who you ran into or not?"


    "Really? I mean... I shouldn't be surprised. He is French."

    "You haven't seen in years and 'really?' is all you have to say?"

    I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know what you want me to say, Stass. I don't even see him on campus because there's way too many students for me to run into him."

    "He was your ex-boyfriend."

    "It's whatever. I haven't thought about him in a long time."

    "Why don't you ask him to the ball tonight?"

    "Absolutely not."

    "Then who are you going with?"


    "You can't attend your family's ball alone. You have to—"

    Before Stass could finish trying to convince me to ask Louis to be my date, I grabbed my purse from my bed and said, "Speaking of the ball, I have to pick up my dress from the tailor."

    I walked out my bedroom and headed out of my family's Parisian flat. Luckily, the flat is near a lot of luxury boutiques, making shopping so much easier than living in England and in Massachusetts. If I can't have a boyfriend, might as well spend all my money on new clothes and jewelry.

    On my way to the tailor's, I saw pale platinum blonde hair from across the street. It can't be it. It can't be him. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me or I'm subconsciously thinking about all of my exes since Stass brought up seeing one of them.

    I know that Theo is in town for the ball, but why would he bring Draco with him knowing that he's not invited? The only reason why I invited Theo to the ball is because we've been on good terms for years now. I guess Theo might feel bad for Draco since he and Blaise are going to be attending the ball without him.

    The pale haired boy waved at me. I squinted my eyes and realized that it is Draco. This is fucking great. All three of my exes in town at the same time.

    He crossed the street over to my side, completely ignoring all of the cars and bikes on the road. His pale blonde hair looked the same and did his piercing blue eyes. The only thing that's changed is his skin. He doesn't look as pale as he usually is.

    "Hey", Draco greeted softly. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile."

    "I've been good. You?"

    "Same here."


    I rocked back and forth on my heels with both of my hands gripping th strap of my shoulder bag. I didn't expect my first time running into Draco again was going to be so fucking awkward. It's like we've never been friends or didn't even know each other.

    Draco forced a weak smile as he looked around our surroundings with his hands tucked in the pocket of his trousers. "So... do you have any plans for tonight?"

    This is what I was waiting for. Draco asking me if I have any plans so he could guilt me into asking him if he wanted to come.    

    "Um... I have my family's ball tonight."

    "Right", he chuckled nervously. "I totally forgot about that. Theo and Blaise mentioned it, but I forgot that it was happening tonight."

    "Do you have plans for tonight?", I asked, trying to be courteous. That and because I'm a little nosey. I am curious if he's seeing anyone currently.

    "Nah", he replied shaking his head. "I think I'm just going to grab some takeout dinner and bring it back to the hotel or just order room service."

    Aw. He's going to be having dinner by himself and not with a random hooker he found off the street. Maybe I should invite him to the ball.

    "Dinner all alone? Are you sure you want to be spending your Saturday night doing that?"

    "I don't mind", he shrugged. "I'm kind of used to it since the boys have been running around with their dates or girlfriends."

    "Wow, I thought you would be running around Europe chasing young girls", I nervously chuckled, gripping my bag tighter.

    "No, I don't do that anymore."

    He's changed. It wouldn't hurt if I asked Draco to come to the ball as a guest. It's not like he's going to be bringing some girl to make me jealous like he's done in the past.

    "Well... I'm going to let you go", he said slowly backing away. "I'm sure you have things to do"

    "Wait! Draco!", I called out. He stopped walking and allowed me to walk over to him. "Come to the ball tonight. Your parents are going to be there anyways and so are all of our friends."

    "Sure", he smiled. "I'll swing by your flat and pick you up at seven."

    "Alright then"

    "It's a date."

    Date? Oh fucking shit.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now