a soulmate who wasn't meant to be

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I was listening to A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be by Jess Benko, so feel free to listen to it while you read this chapter.

    Like Stass said, Draco came rolling around right when we got back to school from winter holiday. I got a letter from him this morning to meet him at the benches underneath the willow tree in the courtyard at Ilvermorny.

    I'm sure he's going to bring up what happened at Blaise's party and probably torture me with the fact that I did more than sharing a bed with him and Theo. I would skip out on the endless teasing that's going to last for fifteen minutes, but I don't want to piss him off. The last time I pissed Draco off I got a glass vase thrown at my head. Luckily, if I do piss him off, I'm going to be in a public setting so he won't be so inclined to chuck something at my head again.

    I sat at the benches, waiting for Draco with my hands folded neatly in my lap. I tried to keep my posture straight, but it's hard to when my knees are bouncing and my heart is racing. I can't be anymore anxious than I am right. There's no telling what Draco would say or what he wants to talk about. All the letter said was to meet him here, nothing else.

    Whether you want to admit it or not, it's always been Draco not Theo. What Stass said hasn't left my mind. I always told myself that Theo was the one, and when that ended and I went on to be with Draco, I thought he was the one. Maybe it's something that I tell myself because I always expect the most out of my relationships. It's always "this ends in marriage or nothing" with me (probably something I picked up from my mother). I'm way too young to be thinking that way about my relationships. I'm twenty years old for fuck's sake. I need to be dating people casually and just for fun. No strings attached and just along for the ride, nothing too serious. Louis doesn't count because he was merely an accessory to piss Draco off. I would try with Louis again just for fun, but I've learned my lesson when it comes to getting back together with exes. Once you get back together with them, they never fucking leave, no matter how hard you try.

    Draco came walking into the courtyard with his pale blonde hair glistening under the January sun. His platinum locks bouncing with every step and the front strand falling foward in front of his face. His rosy cheeks stood out against his pale skin, matching the color of his plump pink lips. Even in a plain black tracksuit, he makes everything look just as elegant as his all black suits.

    A group of witches stopped Draco on his way to me, making me roll my eyes. There's nothing more annoying than groupies hanging around, trying to get a conversation with the Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy fortune and seeker of the Ilvermorny Quidditch Team. I can almost gag from the swoosh of secondhand embarrassment I got from the giggling girls batting their eyelashes and twirling the hair around their fingers at Draco.

    Some may call this feeling jealousy, but I call it "these witches are the most irritating thing on this planet". It's not like he invented some insane spell that can make your boobs grow two bra sizes or won the Quidditch World Cup. He's nothing more than a tall rich boy with mesmerizing eyes. Literally get over it! The things I would do to throw a pine cone at those bitches's faces.

    "Hey", Draco said sitting down on the stone bench next to me with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. His thigh was only an inch from mine, grazing it gently as he got comfortable in his seat. "Thanks for meeting me."   

    "Why did we have to meet here?"

    "Because I wanted to and I thought you liked it here. You always had a thing for sitting underneath big ass trees."

    "I don't anymore."


    Because it reminds me of you, you twat!

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