coming clean

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   Today is the first day of my new job and sadly, I have to spend it with Draco. Luckily, our fathers are going to be with us so I know that he won't be trying anything on me. With Lucius and my father breathing down our necks, it won't give Draco the opportunity to try to convince me to become his stupid fucking mistress.

    I apparated to Scotland which is where the headquarters and distillery are. My father and Lucius were standing outside the front of the doors to the offices with Draco. Draco was dressed in his signature black suit with his black shirt and tie, something he's been wearing since we were fourteen. I wore my black Chanel tweed set with an emerald green silk blouse and black Manolos. Ash of course made fun of me before I left the house this morning. He said that I look just as silly as I did when our parents met for the first time seven years ago. At least I didn't wear a stupid headband. That might've sent Ash into a laughing fit.

    "Stella, Darling", my father said opening his arms and pulling me into a hug. He pulled away and kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful."

    "Thanks, Daddy."

    "How's my favorite granddaughter?"

    I rolled my eyes. "Daddy, she's your only granddaughter."

    "And I hope I get some more soon."

    Draco scoffed, shaking his head. I sent Draco a glare and looked back at my father. "There's actually something I need to talk to you about. It's important."

    "So I am getting another grandchild?"

    I patted him on the shoulder. "Lets just talk about it later."

    "Fine, fine", he chuckled, putting his hands on my shoulder. "I just can't handle only having one grandchild. Aurora needs a little brother or sister. Remember how lonely you used to get because you grew up without siblings?"

    "No, I was ever lonely."

    I was never lonely because I grew up with Draco and Theo. They were practically my siblings growing up. I spent almost every single day with Draco because of how close our fathers are.

    For the next three hours, my father and Lucius took Draco and I on a tour around the offices. Showing us where our offices are for when we choose to come in and the conference rooms for meetings. Then we went on the tour around the distillery, showing us where the barrels of whiskey are held and how the whiskey is made. For the most part, I paid attention to the whole tour. The only times I started to zone out was when my father started talking about the whiskey making process. Luckily, that's not in my job description. What I am in charge of is making all of the executive decisions. Draco is going to be the one who has to handle all of that. From what I know, I'm just going to be signing documents and making sure the company is in tact.

    After the tour, my father pulled me aside and took me to his office, which is now mine. Out of muscle memory, my father sat at his desk and I sat in the chair in front of it. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and leaned back into his chair, letting out a heavy sigh.

    "I'm going to miss this chair", he said running his hand along the arm rest of his desk chair.

    "You can take it", I laughed. "I can get myself a new one."

    He shook his head. "Nah. Your mother would kill me if I brought home this chair. She would go on a rant about how it clashes with our curtains." He sat up straight. "So what is this important thing you want to talk to me about?"

    Now the palm of my hands are getting sweaty and my legs can't stop bouncing.

    I don't know how to tell my father that everything's been a lie. I don't know how he's going to react. Is he going to yell at me? Is he going to rip up the documents I signed and take back his role as co-owner and CEO to Pure Whiskey? Even worse, is going to cry? I've never seen my father cry but he might when he finds out that his "favorite granddaughter" isn't biologically his and I missed so many family parties just to fake a pregnancy and marriage.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now