no recollection

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   "Shit", I groaned, sitting up in the bed and clutching my temples as my brain pounded against my skull.

    I knew I was going to end up like this, especially since it's the morning after a party that Blaise threw. Somehow, I always end up doing something either crazy or end up with a major hangover. Let's just hope I only have a major hangover and not have deep regrets about my actions the night before. After all, Theo promised to make sure I don't do anything crazy and make a fool of myself.

    Through half shut eyes, I lifted up the duvet and rolled to my side, bumping into a body. My eyes flung open and saw Theo, who's was shiftless, laying in bed asleep. I let out a sigh and rolled over to the other side, hitting another body. I immediately looked down at the body and saw blonde hair.

    Now, I'm no longer hungover. I am in complete panic mode.

    What the fuck happened last night? How could this happen? Theo swore he wouldn't let me do anything crazy and out of character, but here I am in bed with him and Draco fucking Malfoy laying on the other side of me. What's next? Am I going to find Louis laying at the foot of the bed?

    My head pounded as I managed to sit myself up in bed. I lifted the duvet up and checked to see if I was missing any article of clothing. Luckily, I was still wearing clothes. Not my clothes, but clothes nonetheless.

    I can sit here and convince myself nothing nothing scandalous happened last night. That maybe somehow both of my ex-boyfriends managed to team up and help me get to bed before my drunk and rolling off molly ass got into trouble. Maybe all of the other rooms were occupied so they stayed here with me and made sure I wasn't going to choke on my own vomit. I can convince myself all I want, but knowing my track record, something else was definitely happened.

    I got on my hands and knees, crawling down the center to the foot of the bed, trying my best not to wake Theo and Draco up. The last thing I need right now is for one of them to wake up and catch me trying to run away. I placed my feet on the ground, feeling the cold hardwood floor touch the bottom of my feet.

    When I left the bedroom, I wander around the hall, debating whether or not to open one of the doors to see if Stass had slept over at Blaise's too. I don't want to open a door and witness something traumatizing.

    "You're up", a voice send joyfully behind me. I turned around and saw Blaise wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants. His hood was pulled over his head. "I thought you'd be sleeping in longer after last night."

    I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, well..."

    "When I said that I wanted you drunk enough to tell us all of your secrets, I didn't know that's exactly what you were going to do", he chuckled.

    Does he know what happened last night between Theo, Draco, and I? I'm too scared to ask.

    "Why are you up?", I asked, changing the subject. "You were drinking a lot last night."

    "I never slept", he said walking towards me. He placed his hands on both sides of my arms, giving me and empathetic look. "I'll go make you some tea."

    What the fuck was that about?

    He walked past me and I followed him down the hall towards the kitchen. "Where's Stass? Did she leave?"

    "Yeah, she left with Adrian last night after you— Do you want green or black tea? My mother has a whole cabinet dedicated to tea. That women can out drink the—"

    "What happened last night?", I asked cutting him off. "You clearly know that I woke up with both Draco and Theo in bed with me, so what happened? Did we..."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now