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    The loud sound of my alarm clock woke me up in the morning. I tried to turn my alarm off, but I am so tired and hungover, I can't get myself to do it. I started to dose off until someone hit my face with my pillow.

    Wait. Who the fuck just hit me with a pillow?

    I quickly sat up in my bed, forcing my tired eyes and heavy eyelids open. I turned to my right and saw a shirtless Theo laying in bed next to me. His tones body was exposed with the duvet only covering the lower half of his body. He was still asleep with one arm over his head and the other on his stomach.

    I lifted the duvet up and looked underneath. My clothes were nowhere to be found. The only thing I was wearing was my matching bra and underwear set.

    "Oh my God", I gasped.

    I know I was drinking a lot last night, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't drinking that much. I remember what happened before I crashed. Draco stormed out of the flat, I took a shot vodka, left the party for my room, took my clothes off, and went to bed. There's no fucking way that I shagged Theo last night. If I shagged him, I'm sure I would've remembered. No way I drank more once I got back to my room.

    Trying not to wake Theo up, I quietly got out of my bed, grabbing a t-shirt from the back of the chair at my vanity and slipping it on as I tiptoed to Stass's bedroom. As I walked down the hall, I noticed that the flat was clean, probably the work of Theo and Blaise.

    Once I got to her bedroom, I grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned it, quietly opening the door so I don't wake her up. Stass was laying in her bed, still snoring as I walked over to her bed. I lifted the duvet and got into bed next to her.

    Stass drank way too much last night for her to remember what happened. She can't possibly know if Theo and I slept with each other. She was slurring her words and gripping the kitchen counter to hold herself up. If Stass knows the events of last night, she would have an amazing talent that needs to be studied.

    "Stell?", Stass asked, groaning as she turned to face me.

    "Yeah", I said softly.

    "What are you doing in here?"

    "Theo's in my bed and I don't want to be there when he wakes up."

    She forced herself to sit up in her bed, rubbing her eyes harshly as she rested her back against her headboard. "Did you fuck him last night?"

    "No... I don't think so."

    "You don't think so? This is why you should never drink tequila. That shit makes you horny and shag everyone. Isn't that how you ended up fucking Draco the first time?"

    "I barely drank tequila. Draco ran off with our last handle."

    "Well, you don't look like you had sex last night."

    I sat up in Stass's bed, tilting my head as I looked at her.

    "Your hair doesn't look like a mess and your makeup is still on", she explained. "If you had sex with him, you would look a lot worse."

    She has a point. My hair is a little knotty and my makeup looks slept in, but it's not messy like I just had drunk sex. Okay. Maybe I didn't shag Theo last night. Our flat only has two bedrooms and he has to sleep somewhere. The only options are my bedroom or Stass's and he's not going to sleep in hers. Although, there is the couch so I don't know why Theo isn't out there.

    The door to Stass's room then slowly opened. Theo was standing in the doorway, shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on. He yawned and stretched his arms out. "I thought I heard voices."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now