cinnamon girl

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i wrote this chapter while listening to Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey so feel free to listen while you read this lengthy chapter <3

    Today is the godawful day. Draco Malfoy's wedding.

    All day I've been feeling really sick. I don't know if it's because I'm sad that Draco is getting married to Ashley Williams or if it's because my parents will be attending. I understand that my parents are close with the Malfoys and have been there by Narcissa and Lucius's side for like thirty years but what I don't understand is why they can't be on my side. Why do they have to go and support Narcissa and Lucius but not me? Don't I deserve support? They're about the watch the boy who shattered my heart marry some goody two shoes bottle blonde American bitch. I need new fucking parents.

    Leading up to today, Ash and I have been hanging out a lot more often and he's taken me on two more dates. I've been staying at the flat his family has London just so we can have alone time with each other and not have to worry about my father's comments about me having boys over. We visited The British Museum and Ash has even cooked us dinner. If you told me seven months ago that the tall tattooed covered boy who likes to pick on me every chance he got would be cooking me Italian for dinner, I'd call you mad.

    Ash has been by my side to make sure I don't feel lonely but he doesn't overdo it. He gives me space when I ask and doesn't make a fuss about it. He even didn't threaten to leave me for not telling him that I love him back. Me not saying "I love you" hasn't stopped Ash from saying it. He tells me that he loves me but he doesn't say it too often. He probably knows that saying it everyday would make me feel uncomfortable for not being able to say it back.

    "What time is Stass coming over?", Ash asked me, placing my bowl of oatmeal in front of me. He kissed my cheek before sitting down in his seat across from me.

    I scooped a spoonful of brown sugar and sprinkled it into my bowl. "In about an hour or so."

    "How are you feeling today?"

    "Good", I lied.

    He cocked his head to the side and glared. "Don't lie to me, Princess. How do you really feel? Don't be afraid to tell me."

    "I'm not afraid. I just don't want to talk about it."

    "If you don't talk about it, you're going to self destruct and do things you're going to regret."

    I hate it when he's right.

    Ash ate his oatmeal, keeping his eye contact with me, waiting for me to tell how I really feel today. He sighed, loudly, after every single spoonful. He even tried to use his "puppy dog" eyes on me just so I can give in.

    "Fine", I groaned, rolling my eyes. Ash set his spoon down and sat up straight, looking triumphant. "I feel off. I don't know how to explain it. My body feels weak and I feel sick to my stomach."

    "That's because the person you love is getting married today."

    I shivered at what Ash said. "That or because my parents are attending the stupid thing."

    "Probably both. You feel betrayed by your parents and Draco. Of course you're not going to feel the best on the day you feel betrayed the most." He reached across the table and took my hand. "I'm here for you, okay? I know you're going to be with Stass today, but I'm always here, especially today."

    "I know", I sighed. "I just don't like talking about it because I don't want to make you feel bad."

    "Like I said before, there's nothing that you can say or do that will make me not love you. Except maybe placing higher than me on the Dean's List", he teased.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now