here we go again pt. 2

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Stass helped me with putting on my dress for the ball because it was a two man job. For the ball tonight, my mother wanted it to be masquerade themed, so I wore long sheer black gloves to go with my black dress and a sparkly black mask that covered my eyes.

This ball that my family is throwing is so that my grandparents on my mom's side can show that their still relevant in the European Wizarding Society and to also raise money for the Ministries of Magic. It's pretty much a huge charity ball where hundreds of big named families from all over Europe to come in their fanciest gowns and dress robes to show off that they have enough money to donate. Of course, the Malfoys, Notts, Perezs, and Zabinis will be in attendance. Alexander Black will be coming as well. Most of the Blacks have been killed off or passed away so his immediate family won't be coming, but his family that connects to the Blacks will.

There's no such thing as a summer or winter without some kind of party thrown by the Blackwoods. My mother loves finding reasons to throw parties so she somehow always finds a way to throw one. If it's not a back to school or graduation party, it's going to be some extravagant ball that is unnecessary for me but necessary for her.

After we finished getting ready, Stass and I walked downstairs to the living room of my family's flat. All of the boys were dressed in their dress robes and masquerade masks. Theo came solo and so did Blaise. What I gathered from my owls from Blaise about the ball, he plans on attending solo so he can pick up "foreign" girls at the ball.

Adrian immediately grabbed Stass's hand, pulling her close to his chest. "You look beautiful", he cooed.

"Thanks, babe", she smiled, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Are you guys ready to go?", asked Theo who checked his wrist watch.

"Actually, I'm waiting on one more person", I answered, nervously bitting the inside of my cheek.

I didn't want to tell anyone that I'm waiting on Draco because I know exactly what they would say. "Why would you do that?" and "This isn't going to end well". I rather lie to everyone than hear a lecture on how I shouldn't have asked my very complicated ex-boyfriend to come to the ball with us.

"You asked Louis to be your date?", Stass asked excitingly. A little too excitingly.

"No, I didn't."

"Then who did you ask?", Theo asked, raising a brow.

"No one important, and they're not my date. I just ask them to come to the ball." Theo looked my directly in the eyes and tilted his head. He pressed his lips together to form a straight line and closed his arms across his chest. "You guys go ahead. I can meet you there when my— when this person comes."

I can tell that Theo knows exactly who's going to be showing up at my door. He knows me too well to not know. We've known each other our whole lives and we dated for almost half of it. He's been there when I was going through my issues and breakups with Draco.

"See you there", Stass said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "He better be hot", she whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and waved my friends goodbye as they walked out the door.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to an hour. Draco still hasn't picked me up for the ball like he said he would. It's only been four hours since I last seen him. There's no way he forgot about picking me up. He said he's going to be coming at seven and it is now eight. I know I heard him correctly. Maybe he forgot where I was staying. But that's impossible. He's been to this flat so many times, there's know way he would have forgotten.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now