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   I had a sleepless night. I was up thinking about what I would say to Draco. I already knew what I was going to say to Theo because he's easy to talk to. Saying, "Hey, sorry for being such a mess. I actually don't like you like that. It was all an illusion my heart played on me", isn't going to get me in trouble with him. Draco on the other hand would probably chuck a dining table at me if I said something like that.

    Alex, being the person that he is, is always blunt and unbiased with what he has to say. He gives no bullshit, which means that he was correct about calling me out on being selfish. Every time I think about Theo and Draco, I think about how they make me feel, not how I make them feel. I know that they have feelings for me, but I don't think how their feelings for me have affected them.

    Theo is going to be easy to reach. We have class together so I can stop him before we enter the classroom and have a quick chat. He's always been supportive with every decision I make so it won't be too difficult to tell him that I don't want to be more than friends this time for real. Great thing about Theo is that he can shake shit off and not pursue anything that's going to make me uncomfortable. That is something he's really good at. He's so good, the only way I figured out he still has feelings for me was when I overheard him talking to Alex.

    As for Draco, I sent him a letter this morning letting him know that I will stopping by the flat later tonight. I tried to keep the letter simple and sweet, steering clear of trigger words that's going to make him upset before I get there. He didn't send me anything back so I don't know if my letter was simple enough to not piss him off but I guess I'll find out when I get there.

    When I got to campus, I started walking to the Humanities Building where my History of the Wizarding World class is in. From a far, I saw Theo standing with his back against the wall talking to some of the boys on the quidditch team. As I walked closer, I bumped into someone's shoulder, making me drop my textbook and notebook that was in my hands. I bent down to the ground to pick my things up. A notebook feel on top of mine with the name, Ash Raven, written on it.

    "Watch where you're going next time, would you", the husky voice said with distaste.

    I stood up straight and looked at the tall boy standing in front of me. His tan skin marked with black ink, covering his fingers, arms and chest, traveling up to his neck. His dark brown eyes glaring down at me with his midnight black hair falling in front of his face.

    "You don't comprehend simple sentences well, do you?", he chided, pulling the corner of lip back in a slight smirk.

    Asher Raven, also known as Ash: The Worlds Most Annoying Person Ever Next To Hermione Granger. He's in all of my classes because we are both majoring in the same thing. Sadly, by our third year at university, our class sizes grow smaller, meaning those share our majors are in majority of our classes. Ash unfortunately is one of those people for me.

    I can't stand Ash Raven. He's just like Hermione Granger, minus the terrible hair, bucked teeth, annoying voice, and irritating know-it-all attitude. Ash is still a know-it-all, he just doesn't do it in a way Hermione does. He is my biggest competition and if I want to graduate top of the class, I have to be better than Ash. On the outside he's this mysterious boy who carries first edition Fitzgerald around, but on the inside, he's a ruthless competitive dick.

    I scoffed. "Why are you even speaking to me?"

    "Because your dumbass couldn't watch where you were going? What's wrong Blackwood? Busy fantasying how you could somehow top me?"

    "You'll be the one fantasying when my name is on top when the Headmaster's List comes out. Have fun being number two."

    Ash let out a chuckle. "Your imagination is so intriguing to me", he said reaching for my face, tucking my fallen hair behind my ear. I slapped his hand away, making him smirk even harder, exposing a dimple in his cheek. He bent down and picked up my books from the ground and held them in front of me. "You should run along now. You don't want to be late for your class."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now