ringing in the new year

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    After a quick trip to Italy to spend some time with my grandparents, I'm back home in time for the New Year's Eve party that Blaise is throwing at his place.

    Blaise throws some of the best parties ever thrown in the history of Hogwarts. It's the main reason why everyone loves going to Slytherin parties. It's because Blaise is the mastermind behind all of them. He knows exactly what kind of drinks and music we need and he loves a good theme, just like my mother.

    Tonight, Blaise insist that we all where white or bright neon colors for the party because he wants to make it a blacklight party. He wants to turn his house into this big rave as we celebrate the new year. Knowing Blaise, it's going to be this big ass production and I'm going to be too drunk or high (or even both) to remember what it was like.

    Going to this party means that I'm going to see Draco and Theo again after the Snowflake Ball. Theo and I have talked, but only through our owls carrying our letters back and forth between our houses. Over the letters he seemed fine and it didn't seem like there was any awkward tension. I just hope that there's no tension when we see each other tonight since we have a lot to talk about.

    I'm not so worried about Draco because it's clear that he's occupying his time with a little rate with short black hair, so if there is tension between us, it's only because he caused it. I just need to remember not to get worked up if he tries to pull the same shit he did on Christmas Eve. I don't want to look like a jealous ex-girlfriend and I also don't want to give him the satisfaction of being able to make me angry just by being with another girl. Not that I am or would be jealous, I just don't want it to look that way.

    Before I left my house for the party, I put on the brightest colors I own, which is impossible since I own a lot of black and dark colors. I wore a white low rise pleated mini denim skirt and a white baby tee from Christian Dior that has graphics on it in pink. To compensate for the fact that I'm not wearing a lot of colors, I did my eye makeup with pink eyeshadow and glitter. My clear lip gloss also had glitter in it.

    When I got to Zabini Estates, there were already at least two hundred people at the house. It amazes me how many people Blaise knows and how he's able to drag everyone's asses out to his house.

    Right as I entered the house, everyone inside was glowing from the spell he used to cast blacklight all throughout the house. Bright neon colored lights flashed and loud music boomed through the speakers. Everyone had drinks in their hands and they were either drinking from their plastic cups or holding it their hands as they snogged their partner while they danced or up against the wall.

    "Blackwood!", Blaise shouted as he pushed his way through the crowd of people by the door. He had two drinks in his hand. "Welcome to the fucking party. Now drink up before I drink it", he said handing me one of the cups. I looked down at the bright red colored drink and took a whiff, cringing at the strong scent of vodka. "Hurry up and drink. Everyone else is already buzzed and on their way to blacking out."

    I took a big gulp out of the cup, letting the fruit punch flavored juice mixed with the bitter liquor trickled down my throat. "Wow", I coughed. "How drunk are you trying to get me?"

    "Enough for you to tell us all of your secrets", he laughed.

    "I prefer not to do that."

    "Finish your drink before I get you to the group", he demanded. "I'm not letting you get there until you're buzzed."

    I stared at him.

    "Well go on. Don't make me force it down your throat."

    "Alright, alright", I said giving into his peer pressure. "I'll fucking drink it."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now