the pensieve

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   After Theo gave me his memory, I rushed back home so I can put it in the pensieve and pretty much relieve the biggest mistake in my life.

    I ran down the stairs to the basement of the mansion, stopping right in front of the stone wall, much like the one hiding the Slytherin Common Room at Hogwarts. I pulled out a dagger from the sheath and gently pressing the blade against my skin, making a small cut. Deep red blood spilled from my hand.

    "Purum sanguinem super omnia", I said placing my bloody palm against the stone wall.

    The stone wall began to rumble, making the ground below me shake as it slid to the right, opening up to the Blackwood Family Vault. Inside of the vault were glasses cases filled with ancient magical artifacts and priceless jewels, bookcases full of grimoires and books on dark magic, paintings of members of the Blackwood Family, and a bunker.

    Only those with pure Blackwood blood can enter the vault. Not even my mother can enter without mine or my father's blood. Out family motto, purum sanguinem super omnia, which translates to pure blood above all in Latin, is kind of like an incantation that is needed to cast a spell in order to access the family vault.

    I stepped inside of the vault, walking past all of the jewels and artifacts, making my way to the back room of the vault. There, bookshelves are filled from the floor to the ceiling with a small round wooden table and four wooden chairs around it. In the center is the pensieve, built out of black marble.

    Taking the vile of Theo's memory out of my pocket, I took the cap off of the vile and poured it into the pensieve. Before diving in, I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and letting out a labored exhale.

    What I'm about to witness when I dunk my head into the pensieve will probably scar me for life and make me want to skin myself and slid into a different body. Once I experience what happened last night all over again, but this time from a different perspective, I'm never going to be able to forget. Well, technically I can. I can probably get Stass to use the Memory Charm on me. Fuck! I forgot that Stass and I got into a fight last night. God there's so many fucking things I need to deal with because of me and my stupid ass mess of a mind.

    "It's now or never", I said to myself, taking in a deep breath and dunking my head into the pensieve.

    Once I entered Theo's memory, I was nothing but a ghost floating around. I can see myself grabbing both Theo's and Draco's hand, dragging them down the hallway full of doors to guest bedrooms.

    It's only been two seconds and I already want to vomit.

    When I entered the bedroom, I watched myself pull Theo to me by the collar of his shirt and plant a kiss on him while Draco kissed my neck, running his hands all over the front of my body while he pressed his up against my back. Draco's hand slipped underneath my skirt, touching me, presumably the fun little bundle of nerves, making me moan in Theo's mouth. He then continued to touch me as he kissed my neck.

    Theo grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing onto the floor. I reached for his trousers, quickly unbuttoning and unzipping them. His trousers seamlessly fell to the floor, bundled at his ankles. He stepped out of his trousers and grabbed my hips, picking me up from the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, not pulling my lips away from his. He took me to the bed, sitting down first before laying down, letting me straddle him.

    As I began taking my top off, Draco got undressed as well. I dove to Theo's lips once again, letting him slid his boxers down. He pulled away from my lips, placing three fingers his mouth, soaking them with his spit before reaching into my panties and rubbing every inch of me with his wet fingers. He then slid my panties to the side and slowly pushed himself inside of me.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now