now what?

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    When I woke up this morning, I woke up to an empty bed with the side where Theo was sleeping in made. On the nightstand on the side he was sleeping on was a note, propped up with my name written neatly.

    I sat up in my bed, tying my messy hair back with the hair tie on my wrist and reached over to the nightstand to grab the note. Underneath the note was a small gift wrapped with a dark scarlet red wrapping paper. I grabbed both the note and the gift, placing the gift in my lap as I unfolded the note.


    I'm sorry to leave like this but I thought it would be a good idea if your parents didn't find me in your bed. Send me an owl soon so we can talk about last night. Merry Christmas.

    - Theodore F. Nott

    My heart sank a little knowing that he wanted to leave early before anyone saw us but I understand why he did it. Leading up to last night, I never gave Theo a slight hint that I wanted to be with him or even hook up with him. I just sprung it on him last minute without any real warning. It was probably uncomfortable for him to wake up next to me knowing that we've been shagging all night.

    With my mother continuously bothering him about proposing to me and his best friend, who is also my ex-boyfriend, trying to come between us and our friendship, Theo had every right to just run away before the awkward hellos in the morning. I would too if it were the other way around.

    I folded the note back up and placed it to the side, picking the gift from Theo up from my lap. I started to rip the wrapping paper, tossing it to the side on the bed. Underneath the blood red wrapping paper was a book, Emma by Jane Austen. The corners of my lips turned up.

    "Of course a romance novel", I said to myself, smiling at the thought of Theo wandering around a bookstore.

    I got up from my bed and walked over to the bookshelf in my room, sliding the novel into a slot right next to my other Jane Austen book, Pride and Prejudice. Then, I went into my bathroom and got myself cleaned up and ready for breakfast with my parents.

    Once I finished my personal needs, I picked up the gifts I got for my parents up from the Christmas tree in the living room before entering the dining room. My mother and father sat across from each other at the end of the table, leaving the head for me to sit in. This is strange because my father always sat at the head because he said it's the closest thing he'll ever be to a king. Can you see my eyes rolling?

    "Good morning, Mummy", I greeted giving my mother a kiss on the cheek and sliding her gift to her on the table.

    "Merry Christmas, Sweetheart", she replied with a kiss on the cheek.

    I pranced to the other side of the table and gave my father a kiss on the cheek, placing his gift in his lap. "Good morning, Daddy."

    "Good morning, My Angel."

    Right when I sat down in my seat at the head of the table, my mother cleared her throat as she set her teacup down on the saucer. "I saw Theodore leaving this morning."

    I froze right when I reached for my glass of orange juice. Both my mother and father were staring at me. My mother had more of straight and my father had a shocked one. It's probably the first time he heard about this.

    "Stella, Sweetheart", my mother breathed. "I know that you are an adult now and you can do whatever with whom ever you please, but—"

    "Can we please not talk about this", I begged.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now