the meeting

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   "I know what you did", Alex said mysteriously at our Sunday morning brunch.

    I squeezed the handle of my fork tightly and stared across the table at Alex, completely stunned.

    How is it that he knows what happened the other night with Ash? I didn't tell anyone about, not even Stass. The most I've said to her was that there was a kiss between Ash and I. I came back home before midnight, which was the curfew Stass had set for me, so she didn't suspect that anything more happened with Ash.

    I gulped, feeling sweat forming at the top of my forehead. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

    Alex leaned forward on the table. "I know about your secret little visit to Ash's last night."

    I let out a sigh of relief. I thought that Draco snitched to the boys about my little snogging sesh in the library.

    "Theo told me that he saw you last night", he said looking over at Theo. "He said that you wanted to talk to me, but I know that wasn't the case. You wouldn't come see me at night without sending an owl first."

    "I was going over to Ash's to do our paper and I wanted to talk to you since I was already there", I lied.

    "Why wouldn't you tell me that?", asked Theo. "I asked you what you were doing at our flat last night and you left out the whole Ash part."

    "Didn't feel like it was important", I shrugged.

    Blaise and Stass sat eating their brunch silently, watching Theo, Alex, and I go back and forth about my reasoning behind why I was at their flat last night and why I kept them from knowing about my visit to Ash.

    It's not like I wanted to lie. The only reason why I did was because I didn't want this happening. All the judging and raised brows because I was over at a boy's place late at night when I'm supposed to be "taking time for myself". Who said I can't have time to myself with the bonus of hooking up with someone? I can still be single and shag people. That's the whole point of being in your early twenties.

    "You fucked him, didn't you?", Blaise asked nonchalantly.


    Technically, I didn't. I fucked his fingers, but not him per-say.

    "Why do you guys even care?", I groaned.

    "I don't", Blaise said putting his hands up.

    "Why do you guys care?", I asked Theo and Alex.

    "I don't", said Theo. "You fuck whomever you want. I just don't understand why you had to lie about it. Whether something happened between you two or not last night, you still could've told me that's where you were going. Lying about it makes things looks suspicious."

    Stass took a sip of her mimosa and set her glass down. "They kissed."

    "Stass!", I exclaimed. I feel so betrayed right now. "Why did you have to tell them that."

    "Because if nothing is going on, you wouldn't care."

    "Oh my god", I scoffed, crossing my arms across my chest and leaning back into my seat.

    Alex chuckled. "Remember when you told me to worry because you weren't going to hook up with Ash? This is why I don't take your promises seriously."

    "You told me that I should be single and take some time to focus on myself, and I'm doing that."

    "And fucking our neighbor makes you single?"

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now