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  "Blimey, Stell", Stass breathed as she made herself a cup of tea. "You've been limping around all morning. Did you put your tampon in wrong or some shit?"

    I scoffed, throwing our kitchen towel at her. "Why would you say that?"

    "Because you either had a pole rammed up your ass last night or you didn't put your tampon in right. Why else would you be walking around like that?"

    I just had sex for the first time in over a year, that's why.

    Stass's eyes widened when I didn't answer her question. I can tell the gears are turning inside of her head.

    When Draco and I left for the bathroom last night, we left the restaurant right after our hook up. Our food came to the table, but I told my friends that I wasn't feeling well from the amount of red wine I drank. Draco then told everyone that he was going to take me home because he wanted to make sure I got home safely and "drinking and apparating" isn't safe. I left with Draco before anyone at the table can say something about us leaving together.

    "You fucked Draco!", Stass gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands.

    "What? No", I lied. "He just took me home, that's all."

    "You're totally lying, Stella Blackwood. You and Draco Malfoy did the nasty when you left dinner."

    "No, I did not."

    This time I wasn't really lying because I didn't have sex with Draco after dinner. It was during.

    "Look me in the eyes, Stell, and tell me you did not fuck Draco last night."

    I bit down on my inside cheek and looked around the room, trying to avoid looking her in the eyes. I know it's bad to lie to your best friend, but I don't think this is something I can admit to her. Stass can be harsh with her words sometimes and I know she means the best. I'm just a sensitive little bitch who doesn't like to admit that I'm in the wrong.

    What happened last night was a result of me drinking too much red wine and the fact that I haven't been touched in a really long time. There's no reason that I should keep me and Draco shagging a secret from Stass, but if I admit to what happened, it means that it's actually real. I don't want to say that I regret what happened because I wanted it to happen in the moment. Did I want it to happen with Draco? Not really. He's still an annoying fuck, but the fact is, we fucked and there's nothing I can do about it now.

    "Okay, fine", I said giving in, "Draco and I did hook up last night."

    "Ha! I knew it!"

    "During dinner..."

    Stass's jaw dropped. "Holy shit, Stell. Is that why you were in the bathroom for so long?"

    "Yeah", I said letting out a deep exhale.

    "I thought you were throwing your guts out and Draco was just there to help hold your hair back. I did not expect for you two to be doing the nasty in a public bathroom. Some things never change, do they?", she said referring to when Draco and I hooked up the first time in the girls' bathroom.

    "Trust me, it's not happening again", I vowed. "I won't even touch him with a ten foot pole."

    "Like I believe that", she scoffed. "One minute it's 'fuck you, Draco' and the next it's 'fuck me, Draco'. You need to hold your ground and make up your mind. Do you want to get back together with him or not?"


    "Then start acting like it because a quickie in a bathroom of a restaurant isn't acting like you don't want to get back together with him."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now