reckless decisions

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    I'm in the mood to do something reckless. I need to do something that will take my mind off of the fact that Draco has a new girlfriend. A girlfriend who he actually likes and isn't using to piss me off, like Pansy Parkinson.

    The worst part of this all is that Ashley Williams is perfect. She's textbook fucking perfect. She's the beautiful blonde every man drools over. She's the girl who gets everything she wants without ever trying. She's the girl who girls envy over. Ashely is basically Jane fucking Bennet. Her beauty and kindness makes her the "perfect girl" and I'm just... I'm nothing. I'm not even Elizabeth Bennet. I'm fucking Lydia. A spoiled reckless little girl. I don't even get a good role in this rendition of Pride and Prejudice.

    This jealously that I'm feeling makes me feel disgusted by myself. I've never been jealous before. Mainly because the people my ex-boyfriends go for are not competition to me. They are nowhere near the same level as me. But Ashley, she's everything that I'm not. She's the complete opposite of me and that's probably why Draco likes her so much. It's because she doesn't remind him of me.

    She's different to him. She makes him feel different. She makes him smile. She takes him on adventures for fuck's sake.

    I marched over to the one place I know will keep my mind off everything and will fulfill this reckless desire I have. I knocked on the door and right when the door opened, I shoved myself inside, not wasting a second to get an invitation.

    "What the fuck, Blackwood?", Ash said as he put on his sweatshirt. "I don't even get a 'hello' before you barge in here?"

    "Are you busy?"


    "Good", I said grabbing the hem of his sweatshirt. "I was hoping that you could keep me busy."

    "That's nice, Blackwood. You come over here just to use me."

    "Don't act like you've never done that before", I scoffed.

    "I have, but I've never done it to you."

    "You said that you were leading me on so that—"

    "If you remember correctly, Blackwood, I said that I can't confirm or deny your stupid little theory."

    Damn. I look fucking stupid.

    Ash grabbed both my hands and removed them from his sweatshirt. "What's going on? Why are you suddenly over here when you haven't spoken to me in weeks?"

    He sounded so sincere when he asked me what's going on. He sounded... concerned and it's something I've never experienced from Ash.

    I'm not sure if I should tell him. Tell him about how heart broken I am to see someone that I love move on to someone better than me. How the new girl is so damn perfect he would never let go of her for me. Draco and I can never be friends now because why would he have an ex-girlfriend who dragged him round? Why would he waste his life on me?

    There's no point in us being friends again because it wouldn't be the same. Not like how it was when we were in the kitchen. It will never be the same because I can't stand to hear him talk about how happy he is with Ashley. I don't want to be there when they host brunches or dinners. I don't want to be there when he tells her he loves her.

    But that's what best friends do. We stand by and applaud our friends for their happiness. We listen to our friends when they need someone to talk to. We support our friends not matter what and I can't do that. Now I know how Draco felt all these years when I was dating Theo. I now know the pain he felt. The heart wrenching pain of not being able to be with the person you want.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now