it ends with us

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    I didn't think that he would actually show up. Draco was sent an invitation and I thought that his name on the guest list was just an error, but he's here, and alone. He didn't bring Ashley with him.

    For an event as big as The Snowflake Ball, I'm surprised that he didn't bring Ashley. She is his wife after all. You can't just attend a party like this without your partner. It's a party that occurs every Christmas Eve. You have to bring your loved ones, although, according to Draco, he doesn't love her. He just married Ashley to keep his family's secrets a secret.

    I pulled my cheek away from Ash's chest and looked up at him. His jaw is clenched and his nostrils are flared. He seems to have also taken notice of Draco's presence.

    Ash cleared his throat. "I'm going to tell him that he's not welcomed here."

    "Don't. You're going to cause a scene."

    He scoffed. "But earlier today you told me to kick him out if he shows up."

    "Yeah, because I didn't think that he would actually come. An invitation wasn't sent out to him."

    "Clearly it has been since he's here."

    "Draco has been attending this party since he was in the womb. It's not like he doesn't know every single detail about The Snowflake Ball."

    He groaned. "As long as he keeps his distance, I'll be good."

    "Why do you even care that he's here anyways? It's not like you want to be with me."

    "I don't want him here because even though we were faking a marriage, he felt comfortable enough to come to you and ask to have an affair. Fake or not, that man has no boundaries whatsoever. He thought it was okay to ask something so fucking ridiculous of someone else's wife. It's disrespectful."

    I wanted to ask Ash what he would do if Draco were to ask me about having the affair again but I didn't want to start another argument. We've had enough arguments today. Asking a question that might set off is going to ruin the good moment that we're having.

    I can't think of a reason as to why Draco is here alone. He could have gone to be with his parents but that seems unlikely. He hasn't been to a Snowflake Ball in seven years so why would he show up today? It can't be for business reasons because it's Christmas Eve and our fathers are too tipsy to be talking about whiskey. Draco has caused enough trouble for me today. I'm not in the mood for him to cause more.

    Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned. Standing in front of me was Draco.

    Of fucking course he's going to try to talk to me. I swear if he causes a scene and makes this day worse for me, I'm going to get Midnight and trample his ass with my horse. There's going to be nothing but locks of blonde hair left when I'm done with him.

    "Can we talk", Draco asked me. He swayed back and forth on his heels with his hands in his pockets and his eyes bouncing between Ash and I.

    "Can't you see I'm busy with my husband."

    "Fake husband", he mumbled.

    I scoffed. "Now is not the time and why are you here? You weren't invited."

    "I'll explain everything is you come and talk to me" — he looked over at Ash — "privately."

    "Not right now. I'm at a—"

    "Please", he pleaded, looking at me with puppy eyes.

    I looked up at Ash.

    "Do whatever you want", Ash said shrugging his shoulders.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now