the white party

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    Home sweet home. I'm so glad to be back in my old bedroom.

    Tension was so high back at my flat, I barely slept because of it. I was up all night because I couldn't stop thinking about my friends and how stained my friendship with Stass is. The only time I did sleep was when I was over at Ash's which is where I spent most of my time. I was over there because Ash and I were studying for finals but his flat was also an escape for me.

    Now that I'm home for the summer, things aren't as good as it seems. Just because I have time away from my friends, doesn't mean that I won't see them. The Malfoys are throwing their annual charity event where all the guest come dressed it white. The White Party is the Malfoys version of The Snowflake Ball. Hundred of guests, mainly those who are rich and are apart of the Ministry of Magic, extravagant flowers, and lots of booze.

    I tried convincing my parents to let me sit this party out because Draco and I aren't on good terms but they're not budging. They keep on telling me that it's rude for me not to attend because I've been going since I was in my mother's womb. God that woman is so dramatic.

    "Mother, I already told you", I said rolling the strawberry on my plate around with my fork. "Draco doesn't want me there."

    My mother took a sip of her tea and placed her teacup back down in its saucer. "This event isn't about him, Stella. You're going to hurt Narcissa's feelings if you don't go."

    "Sorry, Mummy, but I don't care. Narcissa can see me at The White Party in ten years when Draco doesn't want to tear my head off with his bare hands."

    "This is outrageous", she scoffed. My mother grabbed my father's hand, who was sitting at the head of the table. "Charles, tell our daughter that she has to attend the party."

    "Really? You're going to talk to Daddy like I'm not sitting in front of you?"

    "Watch your tone."

    My father sighed. "I'm sorry, Stella, but your mother is right. It would look bad if you don't attend."

    "But why?", I groaned. "Draco skipped out on what? Two years of The Snowflake Ball? Why can't I skip out his family's event?"

    "Because you're not Draco", my mother replied. "You're Stella Blackwood."

    I looked at my father. "Please, Daddy. You understand why I can't go, right? Draco hates me right now and I don't trust any of my friends. I would be alone the whole time."

    "Your drama isn't my problem."

    "Ugh!", I groaned, throwing my head back.

    The only way I can get out of this event is if I either get sick or die. Either can work right about now. I have a potion making kit in my bedroom that Snape gave me as a graduation present. I can brew a Dizziness Draught so that I won't be able to get out of my bed because one step can take me to the ground or I brew a Sleeping Draught but it might make my parents think I'm dead.

    My father cleared his throat. "Stella, if you attend The White Party with us, I will get you a brand new Birkin."

    "I have too many."

    "What about a Chanel bag?"

    "Again, too many."

    "Mui Muis?"

    "I bought a couple pairs awhile ago."

    "Damn it, Stella!", he shouted, pounding his fists on the table, making both my mother and I jump in our seats. "What is it going to take for you to go?"

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now