under the tuscan sun

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   Ash pulled away from my lips, smiling down on me. His deep brown eyes completely captivated me. "Is this what you want? For us to be more than just friends?"

    "Yes", I nodded. "I am."

    "Don't let this change the fact that I will still do whatever it takes to make top of the class on number one on the dean's list."

    I grabbed onto the collar of Ash's shirt and pulled his body down to me. Our faces only an inch away from each other. "I won't stop you. I like competition."

    He smirked and dove his lips into mine. I traced his jawline with my fingertip, feeling feeling his jaw move as his kissed me.

    "I probably shouldn't snog you in front of everyone", I said running my hand through his hair. "It's rude."

    "I thought you said you didn't care who sees?"

    "I don't care who sees us together, but I do care about what people might think if they see your tongue down my throat at my grandfather's party. I don't want my father to get pissed at me for snogging you in this kind of setting."

    "He might actually be glad to see you snogging me. Son of a minister and all."

    I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

    I turned and realized that we weren't alone. I had totally forgotten that we were standing in front of my friends. Stass, Adrian, Alex, Blaise, and Theo were exchanging looks at each other. Some were smirks and winks, and others were looks of worry. They're probably worried about Ash and I getting involved in something more than a friendship because of my track record. I don't they want to deal with me ruining yet another friendship because of a bad breakup.

    The thing about Ash and I is that we're transparent. We tell each other how it is and our friendship started that way. We told each other exactly what we wanted. Because of that, it's going to take a lot for one of us to break. I don't want to jinx anything, but I don't think anything bad will happen between us that will make our relationship end like mine with Draco.

    Alex cleared his throat. "So... How have you been, Stell?", he asked me. "It's been awhile."

    "Yeah, over a month", Blaise added.

    "I've been good", I replied. "Healing and all."

    "I can see that", Alex said looking over at Ash. "I'm glad that you're able to be here today. We've missed you."

    I didn't reply. I just forced a weak smile. It's hard to say "I've missed you too" when my friends really hurt me.

    Ash placed his hand on my lower back and leaned into my ear. "I'll go get you a glass of wine." I nodded and he walked off, leaving me with my friends.

    Alex's eyes trailed Ash as we walked away. "Are you guys are dating now?"

    "I don't know", I shrugged. "We obviously need to talk about it but I don't want to put a label on it before speaking to him first."

    "Yeah... Are you sure that it's a good idea? Getting in a relationship with another one of your friends?"

    "Ash is different. We actually communicate with each other."

    "That's good."

    We all stood in our little circle in silence for a moment. No one really knew what to say. I'm sure no one wanted to bring up they're glad that I'm moving on from Draco because they don't want to say his name in front of me, but I can feel that they are. Me moving is the only thing that's going to piece this friend group back together. The only problem is I'm not too quick to forgive Draco of everything. He rather tells everyone else that he's sorry about everything than tell me and saying "I'm sorry" at The White Party isn't enough.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now