broken promise

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   Now that I've inhabited Blackwood Estate, it means that I am in charge of throwing The Snowflake Ball. Before, I always thought it was easy and my mother was just being dramatic when she have breakdowns over the floral arrangements, but now I totally get it. Throwing a huge party that's been being thrown my family for decades is fucking stressful. I didn't get to bed until three in the morning because I was going back and forth with the caterers and the decorators.

    It's not like I was in a rush to get to bed anyways. Ash and I have been on the rocks since I stormed out of his study the other day. I know that it was completely immature of me to just walk out like that, but I felt like he was being an ass and I needed to leave before I said something I would regret. He keeps on trying to get me to be angry at him or something when it comes to how we both handled our fake marriage. Every time it's brought up, he quickly jumps into taking full blame for everything and it's frustrating. I know that it's my fault too. I was the one who said "yes" too easily and thought that I would be to do it without falling back in love with him. It was irresponsible of me.

    As much as I want to continue on being a little brat and ignore Ash, I can't let it continue. It's not on The Snowflake Ball tonight but it's also Christmas Eve and I can't be mad at my fiancé on Christmas Eve, even though he's being annoying. The only way I can stop being a bitch is for to go and talk to him for the first time in a few days. Breakfasts and dinners have been really quiet recently and we take turns on spending time with Aurora. She even noticed me walking out of the room whenever Ash comes in.

    Today is Christmas Eve and I need to put my big girl La Pearlas on and go face my problems instead of ignoring them. I have to go and see Ash and make things right before the party starts because dragging this on is only going to make things worse. If Ash was having doubts about marrying me before, me letting this go on longer is only going to make him want to push off our marriage even more.

    I opened the door to Ash's study. "Hey", I said softly knocking on door as I stood in the doorframe. "Can I come in?"

    Ash looked up from the paperwork on his desk. "Are you going to be rude?"

    I shook my head.

    "Alright", he sighed, throwing his pen on the desk, "then come on in."

    I shut the door behind me and shuffled over to Ash's desk, sitting down in the chair in front of him. I crossed my legs and overlapped my hands on top of each other over my knee. "I wanted to apologize for the way I have been behaving. I've been childish and I'm sorry."

    "That's it?"

    I raised my eyebrow. "There's more?"

    Look, I know I can be in my own head sometimes but I know for a fact that there's nothing else that I did wrong. All I did was be petty and ignore Ash for a couple of days because I didn't like what he was saying to me.

    "Once of the party planners handed me the guest list to approve and there's a name on there that we should have discussed."


    Ash scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Don't play dumb, Stella. I know you invited Draco."

    "No, I invited the Malfoys."

    "He's a Malfoy, Little Miss Smarty Pants."

    I uncrossed my legs and stood up from the chair, walking over to Ash's desk and placing my hands on top of it, leaning over towards him. "First of all, I'm going to ignore the fact that you're being ass only because I've been a bitch to you. Second of all, I invited Lucius and Narcissa, not Draco and the bitch he calls his wife."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now