house warming

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   Now that summer is over, Stass and I went straight from Paris to our flat in Massachusetts by Ilvermorny. We've been living in our flat since the start of summer so all of our things are already there, making it easier on us. Because we got out flat in the beginning of summer and didn't have time to have a "flat warming" party before we left for Paris, Stass wanted to throw a party tonight. In typical Stass fashion, she invited half the school. She's just lucky that our flat is big enough to throw a party that large.

    Like back at Hogwarts, Blaise is responsible for all of the booze and the drugs (that only our friend group will be consuming). Theo will also be attending because he's also helping out with the booze, and unlike my other exes, I'm cool with him.

    By nine, the flat was crowded with drunk sweaty bodies. Smoke filled the air, blending in with the colorful fashion lights. Loud music boomed throughout the entire flat, but was contained to only the girls' flat because I casted a spell the didn't let the noise and music leak through our walls.

    I was in our kitchen pouring myself some vodka and Redbull in a plastic cup when Theo came up to me.

    "I haven't had the chance to ask you if you were okay after the ball", Theo said as he poured himself a drink. "Are you okay?"

    "I'm fine. Have you talked to Draco since?"

    "Yeah, but he didn't talk much when I asked him about the ball. It's probably because he didn't know what to say when I cussed him the fuck out for doing that to you. I still can't believe he stood you up and then brought random girls to your family's party."

    "You didn't have to do that for me."

    "I know, but you've been my best friend for years, Stell. I'm not going to let him think it's okay to treat you like that. You deserve so much better than that. Dating or not, Draco is a dick for what he did."

    "Well, it was my fault for thinking things would be different this time around. I thought he left this kind of behavior in the past, but I guess he didn't."

    Theo threw he arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "One day, you're going to find someone who would make you feel loved without strings attached."

    "Fells like that's never going to happen. Every time I think I've found the one, they always found some kind of way to fuck me over."

    "Sorry about that...", He said letting go of my shoulder and scratching the back of his head.

    I wrapped my arms around him and buried my cheek into his cheek. "All is forgiven. You don't have to keep apologizing for it."

    "I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it. I really am so sorry for cheating on you, Stell. You were the perfect girlfriend and it was selfish of me to cheat on you because I thought our relationship wasn't enough."

    Here's the thing about Theodore Nott, he's so sweet and always have been. Of course him cheating on me with Ginny Weasley at a party wasn't the sweetest thing ever, but he knows what he did wrong. That's something that Draco doesn't have, morals. Theo cheated on me once and is always apologizing for it. It's been four years and he still feels guilty about it. Draco on the other hand probably never have felt guilt before his whole life. I doubt he feels guilty about ditching me on our trip to Paris a couple years ago. Huh, funny how he's always ditching me.

    I held my cup to my lips and began to drink my vodka and Redbull without taking a breath because if I do, I might vomit from the taste. The sweet taste from the energy drink and the bitter taste from the liquor blended together and making my tongue go numb.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now