the library

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    I set my books down on my desk and took a seat as my professor for my Philosophy class, William Moore, was written on the blackboard the lesson plan for today's class. The chair right next to me was pulled out. I flipped through my notebook, pretending that I didn't notice someone sitting next to me because I usually like to sit alone and not have to deal with small talk with my classmates.

    "Scared you didn't study enough?", a familiar husky voice asked.

    I glanced up from my notebook and saw Ash sitting next to me leaning over his hands that were folded in front of him on top of the desk. He wore a black hoodie with silver necklaces hanging from his neck. His fingers were covered in rings, covering up some of the tattoos he has on his fingers that trailed down his hand.

    "What do you know about studying?", I sneered. "You're the one who's cheating on very important exams."

    Ash's mouth fell open. He sat up straight, sliding his hands off of the desk and into his lap. "How do you know about that?"

    "It was in the papers. How did you know about my father's entanglement with the Dark Lord?"

    "Was also in the papers. Did you research my family?"

    "Did you research mine?"

    He scoffed, pressing his tongue against his cheek. "Answering a question with a question. You're a tough one, Blackwood." He leaned back against his chair. "The Ministry can sure use you. As long as you don't join a blood purist cult like your father."

    I rolled my eyes. "At least my father didn't threaten a school because I cheated."

    "Like that's worst than what your father did."

    "What my father did over 20 years ago is directly tied to me. You had your father bail you out."

    "So you're making up excuses for what he did?"

    "No. There's no excusing what he did and what he was apart of. It was disgusting and I'm glad that it's all over with."

    Before Ash could say something, Professor Moore announced to the class, "Today I will be pairing you all up for the midterm paper. This paper will be written with your partner on one of the five topics I have listed here" — he said pointing at the blackboard— "and it will have a minimum of eight pages. Do your research in the library and only use reliable sources. No magazine articles or books that aren't written by professional."

    He walked away from the blackboard and began approaching desks, assigning partners based on whoever is sitting next to each other. I began gathering my things, attempting to make a quick escape before Professor Moore assigns me to be Ash's partner. Right when I was about to get up from my seat, Moore tapped his finger on the desk top.

    "Blackwood and Raven", he said with a grin. "What a dark and gothic duo", he said as he walked away.

    I glanced over at Ash and groaned, rolling my eyes.

    If it were any kind of project, I'd be fine with working with Ash. I can do my part and he can do his, but because this is a midterm paper that requires at least eight pages, I have to be in communication with him. Writing a paper with a partner and not working together on it can make the paper look like it was written by two different people. If I want a good grade on this midterm, I have to work with him and I don't want to. Spending more than ten minutes with Asher Raven sounds like hell. My personal hell.

    After class ended, I sped walked to library so I don't have to talk to Ash. I should probably tell him that I'm going there to start on our paper, but I rather not talk to him right now. All I want to do is rant about how shitty this situation is with one of my friends who's currently at the library. Alex and Theo are usually at the library during this time because their classes end at the same time of mine, so hopefully they are more than willing to listen to me talk shit about Ash for the next hour or so.

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