the perfect date

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   Ever since my grandfather's party at his vineyard, I have felt a lot happier. Things has somewhat gone back to normal. I'm on okay terms with my friends and this time, they're not sneaking around to see Draco and Ashley. They're using their actual words to tell me that they're going to be with them. They are also trying to spend more time with me as well. We have Sunday brunches over at Blackwood Estates just like we did back at my flat in Massachusetts and we occasionally go out to pubs and go out to do Muggle things in London.

    Blaise did throw a Fourth of July themed party for Ash because he wanted to "bring a little bit of America to England" for him since he's been spending most of his days here and not in America with his family. It was literally a party where everyone wore blue, red, and white and drank a shit ton of beer. Thank fuck Draco didn't show up Blaise's party with Ashley because if I have to hear him call me a whore one more time, I'm going to do more than punch him in his stupid little pale face. Blaise probably didn't even invite him because Ash and I are going to be there but an invitation has never stopped Draco before.

    My family's owl came flying into my bedroom through the doors to my balcony. It dropped off two letters in my lap. One letter was in a matte black envelope and the other was in a dark red. I picked up the dark red envelope first. My name was neatly written in black ink.


    I want to take you on a proper date. Us running around Paris doesn't count because we weren't dating and when we're alone, we've been hold up in your bedroom or my flat. I'll come by in an hour so be ready. Before you even ask yourself, no, I won't be telling you where we're going, but I will tell you that you need to dress comfortable. See you soon, Princess.

- Asher J. Raven

P.S. Don't wear that stupid headband.

    I folded the letter back up and rolled my eyes. He wouldn't be Asher Raven if he didn't add a little jab when he's speaking to me. It's the thought that counts though.

    Since I said "fuck it" and decided to get in a relationship with Ash, we've been taking things kind of slow on the emotional front. We haven't put a label on anything other than the fact that we're dating. Ash hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend. We're just going with the flow, I guess. We don't think much about what we're doing. We just do it.

    I'm excited to go on this official date with Ash. We went on little dates in Paris but that was back when we were just friends and had boundaries. Even with the boundaries in place, there were moments where I forgot that we weren't dating because they were that good. I was able to look at art with him and really enjoy it. We went to a bookshop and looked at books for three hours. There was not a moment where I just wanted to go back to the flat because I was bored. Even sitting in the park for a couple of hours just talking to him was fun.

    The matte black envelope sitting on my lap had The Blackwoods written on the front with the address to Blackwood Estate in a silver metallic ink. The wax seal that was used was also a metallic silver color with the Malfoy Family crest pressed in it. Without even really thinking it through, I began to open the letter.

Draco Lucius Malfoy and Ashley Marie Williams

cordially invites you to their wedding

Saturday July 27, 2002

at 5 o'clock in the afternoon for the ceremony

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now