emotions running high

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   I've been having a battle with myself since what happened with Draco yesterday. Theo is my best friend and I want to tell him what happened but I know how he's going to react. He isn't a violent person or someone who has a temper, but when it comes to me, he is very protective and will put a hit out on Draco if he knows. Draco almost hit me in the head with a glass vase yesterday and whether he intended it to hit me or scare me, Theo would be pissed if he knew.

    Stass advised me to leave the part where Draco almost killed me (well... injured me) out of the conversation because she doesn't want the boys to fight. I don't know if I can lie to Theo if he asked me about Draco's reaction to my rejection. Theo knows pretty everything about my relationship with Draco because he's my best friend and Draco's. He knows that Draco sugar coats some of our fights so I know he's going to depend on me to tell him the whole story.

    Because Stass and I are hosting a little lunch with the boys (minus Draco), I'm going to be able to tell Theo about what happened. I hope that Theo doesn't put me on the spot and try to fish out the last moments of my meeting with Draco because the boys all live together and it's going to complicate things. I've complicated things in the past with the boys when Draco and I hooked up less than an hour after my breakup with Theo. Once Theo found out, it split the boys from each other.

    "Hello", a voice sang from the entryway. "Are my favorite girls home?"

    I ran out of my bedroom to the sight of Alex standing by the door with a bottle of wine in his hand. Behind him are Theo and Blaise. I skipped to Alex and threw my arms around him.

    "Alex, I've missed you", I breathed. "How was your twelve-week long vacation?"

    "It wasn't a vacation, Stella", he said letting me go. "I was doing a class that required me to be in Portugal."

    "Either way, you've been gone for too long?"

    Alex is the voice of reason in our friend group. Now I feel like I shouldn't tell Theo anything and talk to Alex instead. He would know what to say and what to do about Draco. They're cousins so if things go bad, they can forgive each other because they're family.

    "Thanks for the wine, Black", Stass thanked as she gave him a hug.

    "What about us?", Blaise asked with his arms open.

    Stass and I both hugged Blaise at the same time and then Theo. We showed the boys to the dining room and sat around the round dining table.

    "So, how have things been?", Alex asked pouring himself a glass of wine. "I'm sure there's been drama that you all left out of my letters."

    Theo, Stass, and I threw looks at each other and before any of us can say anything, Blaise blurted out, "Stell and Draco fucked."

    "What?" Alex said choking on his wine. "Did I miss a chapter or two?"

    "Mate, you missed an entire book", Blaise chuckled.

    I threw my napkin at Blaise's face and said, "Did you really have to tell him about that?"

    "You were going to tell me anyways", said Alex.

    Theo turned and said to me, "So, did you talk to him? Draco?"

    Stass looked at me and slowly took a sip of her wine. She then cleared her throat and crossed her arms across her chest.

    "What? What happened?", asked Theo.

    I know I'm not going to tell him right now at the dining table, but do I want to tell him later? He's not going to react well which is why I'm a little hesitant to say something. If I'm going to tell anyone about what happened, it's going to be Alex. Stass knows because she was there, but I know she won't tell. The only person she might tell is Adrian and I doubt he would do something about it. Considering how quickly things escalated, Stass might not even tell Adrian because then it might make shit complicated between him and Draco which would be bad since their friends and on the same quidditch team as each other.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now