digging up dirt

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    "Stass?", I called as I walked down the hallway.

    "Yes", Stass replied from her bedroom.

    I entered her bedroom, slowly, just in case there's someone indecent in there. There's been one too many times where I walked in on Stass and Adrian.

    Stass turned around on the ottoman at her vanity to face me. "What's up."

    "We need to team up and use our devious minds."

    "Oh?", she said placing her makeup brush down. "I'm listening", she grinned.

    "The other day at the party, Ash mentioned my father's... dark past."

    "You mean the whole Death Eater thing?"

    I bit down on my cheek. "Yes, that thing. I need to find out everything I need to know about him. Like how he found out about my father's past. It's none of the American Minster for Magic's business, so how would his son know?"

    "Wait... Asher Raven's father is the Minister for Magic?" I nodded. "Wow", she breathed. "Do you have a thing for Minister's sons? Louis's father was also a—"

    "Yes, I get it", I groaned. "I date ex-Death Eater's sons and Minster's sons. We don't need to talk about it."

    "So, why do we need to dig up Ash's entire life story?"

    "I need to crush him, and I can't do that if I don't know anything about him. We need to find his darkest and dirtiest secrets. With his dirty little secrets in my hand, I can weaken him and also make him piss off."

    "Calm the madness down, Stell", she laughed. "I understand getting annoyed by him and wanting to be top of the class, but you don't need to get all dark and scary. We can recon his ass, but we're not going to do anything insane like 'weaken' him, whatever that means."

    I groaned. "I just need him to leave me alone and stop messing with me. He tried fucking with me so that I can fail exams and projects before. I can't let him do that again."

    "Like when he gave you a trick quill?"

    "Yes, and when he charmed my parchment so that every sentence I write, it disappears. Having good dirt on Ash will help me scare his ass and stop him from ever fucking with me again."

    Stass sighed. "Fine, I will help you. You better not get me in trouble in this process of digging for dirt or else I will kill you. My father is still pissed about my rehab stint back in sixth year."

    I held my pinky finger out. "Pinky promise." Stass hooked her pinking around mine and we both kissed out thumbs. "Perfect, now all we need to do is research the Raven family."

    "Isn't the whole point to find shit on Ash?"

    "Yes, but knowing family secrets is what can give us real leverage."

    Stass grinned. "God, I missed doing shit like this. It's been too long."

    "I know. I can't believe we used to do this shit all of the time."

    "Nothing beats finding out Pansy Parkinson kissing her cousin on New Year's and letting all of Hogwarts know about it. Yeah we got detention for a whole month, but totally worth it."

    "Let's hope we find something just as juicy or even better on Mr Asher Raven."

    Stass and I grabbed our backpacks and headed to the campus library, a place Stass has only been in once and it was for orientation our first year at Ilvermorny. Because Ash's father is a public figure and is the Minister for Magic, there has to be newspapers in the library that has scandals associated with the Minster, Viktor Raven.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now