love sucks

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    The curtains in my bedroom were forced open. The bright sunlight beamed down on me, blinding my shut eyes. I grabbed my duvet and pulled it over my head, hiding from the sunlight. My duvet was then yanked off of my body and a gush of cool air touched me, making me pull my legs up to my chest. Goosebumps rose all over my arms and legs from the cold air in my room.

    "Blackwood, you better get your ass up."

    I groaned.

    "Do you even know what time it is? Or even the day."

    "I don't care", I said grabbing my pillow and covering my face with it. "None of it matters anymore!", I shouted in my pillow.

    The pillow was then ripped from my face. Ash used to pillow to hit me in the face and then tossed it to the side. "You look like shit and a pathetic loser."

    "Thanks for the assessment, Raven. I already know."

    I forced myself to sit up in my bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned against my headboard.

    Ash conjured a glass of water in his hand and handed it to me. "What can I get you, other than a hairbrush and mouthwash?"

    "A cigarette", I half joked. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the pack of cigarettes. He placed on in my mouth and then took the lighter and lit the cigarette for me.

    "Are you done being miserable?"

    I took a hit from my cigarette and blew out the smoke. "Nope."

    "It's been weeks."

    "Two weeks and five days."

    "Still, there's no point in living like this. You told Draco that you love him and he's still going to marry Ashley. It's time to move on."

    I took a sip of my water, swallowing not only the cool liquid, but also a hard pill. "I know it is."

    "Then get your ass out of bed and do something other than cry and drink yourself to sleep."

    I set my glass of water down on the nightstand by the stacks of letters my friends have been sending me. Everyday I get one from Alex and Theo. Sometimes Blaise would send me one and Stass sends one every three hours. My mother always comes knocking on my door saying that my friends have come to see me but I always pretend that I am asleep or shoo her away.

    Ash has been coming over a lot to check up on me. His family has a flat in London and he's been staying there ever since The White Party. Every time he comes over, he lays in bed next to me and sometimes hum lullabies until I fall asleep. He's never once touched me or initiated anything sexual. He's just been here to support me.

    "You don't have to keep coming over here, you know", I said wrapping my arms around my knees. "I feel bad that you're always here."

    "I can't just leave you and go back to America."

    "But you can. There's nothing keeping you here except for me."

    "You're my friend, Blackwood. Plus, I made you a promise awhile ago."

    "That promise was to never hurt me."

    "And leaving you alone right now would hurt you."

    "I'm a shitty friend, Ash. I'm keeping you here when you should be rolling around the beach with some girl in the Hamptons."

    "Oh, I was. Then a stupid owl dropped a letter off to me right when I was about to take her back to the house."

    I rolled my eyes.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now