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    After my self betrayal yesterday, I came home quiet and Stass noticed that something was going on. She probably knows exactly what happened since she heard from Theo and Alex that I was paired up with Ash to write the midterm paper for our Philosophy class. Stass was the one who pointed out that Ash might have a crush on me and that's why he's always picking on me. I personally don't think that he has a crush on me, though. If he really liked me, he would treat me in a manner that would make me swoon over him, not despise him. Ash just has this sexually desire for me, and that's it.

    "Where are you going?", Stass asked as I reached for the doorknob on our front door. "It's almost eight."

    "I have to work on my paper."

    "With Asher? At this hour of night?", she asked raising he brow. I rolled my eyes at what she's insinuating. "You better come home tonight because if you don't, I'm sending the boys over there to fetch you."

    "Okay, Mum", I mocked.

    "I know you more than you think, Stell. And don't think for a second I don't know that something already happened between you too. You always get so quiet when you hook up with someone you feel like you shouldn't."

    I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. "See you later", I said as I walked out the door.

    "Don't forget curfew is at twelve!", she shouted as I disapparated to Ash's flat.

    Once I got to the floor that not only Ash lived on, but also Blaise, Theo, Alex, and Draco, I walked quickly to Ash's front door before one of the boys's decide to leave their flat.

    Right as I walked by their door, the swung open. I groaned, not knowing who can be at the door, but I'm hoping that it's not Draco because I don't want to see him again after what he witnessed in the library yesterday. I turned to the door to see who it is and thank fuck it's not Draco, it's Theo.

    "Hey, Stell. What are you doing here?"

    I bit down on my bottom lip, contemplating if I should lie to him or not. Telling him that I'm on my way to see Ash so that we can work on our paper together isn't a bad thing because that's exactly what I'm doing. But telling Theo the truth would make him raise his brows at me and ask me why I'm seeing Ash at this time and not earlier in the day. He might not believe me if I say that I had classes all day and had a ton of homework to finish so 8pm was the only time that worked for me. There's no point in me lying to him. It's not like I'm going to hurt anyone's feelings.

    Looking past the open door, I saw fiery red hair standing in the entryway of the flat. I looked directly at Theo with glaring eyes. "Ginny Weasley. Really?"

    Theo looked back and then back at me. He chuckled. "It's really nothing, Stell."

    "If it's nothing, then why is she at your flat?"

    "Because we're having a team meeting. Ginny's on the quidditch team too, remember?"

    Right. I totally forgot about that.

    "If your worried, Harry is here too and she's his girlfriend. You don't have to worry about me diving back into an old hookup."

    "An old hookup you cheated on me with", I muttered. Theo looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. It's clear he's still guilty about that whole situation. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that."

    "You have every right to still be mad about it."

    "Yeah, but I should get over it. It's been like what four years?"

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now