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7 years later...

    "Stella?", Ash called from his study. "Have you seen my briefcase? I keep on loosing the damn thing and if I'm late to the office again, my father will have my head on a stick."

    I continued to pick up the toys from the ground in the living room and dropped it off in a basket in the corner by the fireplace. Once I dropped the toys off, I walked into Ash's study, which was once my father's. The layout of the room was the same, but everything was different. The smell, the books, the picture of our family on his desk. The one thing that stayed the same was Ash frantically looking around the study like my father.

    Laying on the ground against the oak wood desk was Ash's black Dior briefcase. I picked the briefcase up from the floor and handed it to him. "You need to keep of your things, Ash."

    "I know, Stell. Lately my mind has been all over the place. Who knew so many people can commit fifty million times in one week? It's exhausting."

    I walked around the desk and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. "I know. Being the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is hard."

    He looked down at the new Cartier watch I got for his birthday and kissed the side of my head. "I gotta go. I'm going to be late again if I don't leave now."

    "Don't forget to take deep breaths during the day, Mr Raven", I reminded him while fixing his tie. "You always forget and it's important that you take a couple of seconds and reevaluate."

    "I will. I promise." He looked down at his watch again. "Take care of my Babygirl, okay?"

    "Of course."

    He kissed my cheek. "I'll see you at seven." Just like that, he disapparated.

    I sighed and sat down at his desk. On his desk were pictures of us and Aurora, our daughter. She has the darkest black hair and big brown eyes just like her father.

    So many things have changed since seven years ago. Ash and I got jobs at the Ministry. I was secretary to his father up until two years ago when Aurora was born. Since then, Ash and I moved into Blackwood Estate while my parents live full time in Paris. Ash goes between England and America everyday for work. Lucky for him, I was able to follow in my ancestors footsteps and came up with a way for him to apparate between countries with ease. I created a spell that you can cast on an object that serves as an energy source to your magic, much like a portkey, but more effective. Ash's wedding band is his 'portkey'. There's some tweaks that I still need to figure out before I can take the idea public and get it approved by the Ministry.

    A couple loud knocks hit the front door and I waited for our nanny, Chloe, to get the door. After a couple of seconds, the knocks hit the front door again. I got up from the Ash's desk and walked out of his study.

    I gripped the door handle and swung the front door open. The person who stood on my doorstep made me gasp. It was someone I wasn't expecting to see so soon. Someone I wasn't prepared to see at all.

    At the age of twenty-eight, Draco didn't look so different. His blonde hair was still icy and bright and his face was as pale as ever. The only difference in his face were the wrinkles forming by his eyes. 

    "Draco? What are you doing here?", I asked, still stunned at the sight of him. "If you're here for my father, he actually moved out awhile ago and is in Paris now."

    Draco scratched the back of his head and played with his wedding band before saying, "I'm actually here for you. I need to talk to you about something and maybe even your help."

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now