fall from grace... again

978 18 61

   Since the reveal of Draco's new girlfriend, my relationship with my friends have been on thin ice. They all kept this from me. They all also planned a lunch with Ashley, knowing that I wasn't invited. The only reason why I even knew about this stupid little lunch is because Ashley was trying to be nice when I was over at the flat.

    Stass and I have only said a few words to each other. Mainly one word sentences like "do you want dinner?" and "can you pass the lighter?". I've never been in this kind of situation with Stass before. When we're upset with each other, we apologize, talking about it, and then get over it. This time, it's a little different. I can't get myself to get over the fact that my best friend who I live with knew about Ashley and Draco and never mentioned it to me.

    Now, every time Draco is having people over and Ashley is there, Stass will either sneak out or give some lame ass excuse like she's going to the fucking gym. Everyone knows that Stass doesn't work out. Her form of exercise is blacking out at parties and shopping.

    I've seen Ash a couple of times. Most of the time I go over to his place late at night or comes over here whenever Stass is "going to the gym'. We mainly hookup but on occasion we do homework and study together. Kind of fucked up how the only person who feels like a friend to me right now is the one person I am annoyed by the most.

    "Hey", Stass said from behind my bedroom door. "Can I come in?"

    I sat on my bed, thinking about letting her in for a moment. We've barely spoken to each other and I don't know if I'm in the mood to talk to her right now. She betrayed me by having out with that blonde bitch.

    I put a bookmark in my book and groaned. "Sure, come in."

    Stass slowly opened the door and hesitated walking in at first. She took small steps into my bedroom and shut the door behind her. She walked over to my bed, debating whether or not if she should climb into bed next to me or stand at the foot. She decided to sit at the foot of the bed instead.

    "I hate this, Stell. I hate how things have been between us lately."

    I sighed. "I don't know what to tell you, Stass. You betrayed me by not telling me about Ashely. You knew about her and said nothing."

    "I didn't want to tell you about her because I was afraid of how you would react. I wasn't sure if you still have feelings for Draco and even though you have your little thing with Ash — which by the way I know he's been coming over — I wasn't sure where your heart is at."

    "Doesn't matter, Stass. You kept something important from me."

    "And I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel betrayed. You're my best friend and I would have never done that purposely."

    "Well, just so you know. I do still love Draco and being ambushed by his new girlfriend didn't make things any easier. Knowing about her isn't going to make me do anything crazy. I'm heartbroken by how much he likes her, but I can't stop him."

    Stass crawled over to me and gave me a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, Stell. I love you too fucking much to let this continue. I hate not talking to you for a month."

    "I love you too, Stass."

    She pulled away. "So we're good?"

    I let out a sigh. "Yes, we're good. Tell me one thing. Do you like here?"

    "Fuck no", she scoffed. "Adrian is sick of me ranting about how annoying Ashley is."

    Thank god because I don't know what I'd do if she like Ashley. I already lost one of my best friends who is someone I love to that bitch, I don't want to loose Stass to her too. At least there's someone on my side.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now