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    Even with the boys have been telling me that Draco won't be coming to the Snowflake Ball tonight, I have a gut feeling that he might show up. He may be ignoring me and pretending like I don't exist right now, but knowing him, he's going to make some sort of grand entrance. Maybe he'll bring hookers to the ball this time instead of girls he's picked up from the pub.

    No matter how many times Stass reassures me that everything will be fine, I still feel like it won't. Something is going to go wrong tonight. Whether it be Draco showing up and ruining everything or an argument breaking out between Theo and I, something is going to happen. I just know that Draco is going to show up and do something. There's no way he won't. He did it last time at the last ball, even though he tried to make it seem like he wasn't attending, he still came. Not knowing what's going to happen scares me because I like to be in control of things and know what's going to happen.

    When I finally drew myself out of my anxious state, I got ready for the masquerade ball. I wore a light bronze colored satin dress from Ralph & Russo, pairing it with a pair of pumps with the same color and fabric. To compliment the dress and my skin tone, I wore gold jewelry, curtesy of an early Christmas gift from my father and my family's jewelry collection. I wore my hair down with big curls, parting my hair to the side instead of the middle.

    Once I finished touching up my hair and putting on my gold masquerade mask, I walked downstairs to the foyer to great guests with my parents. Nothing beats the smell of Chanel No. 5 wafting through the air as rich women walk by with diamonds hanging from their sagging earlobes. Can you see me rolling my eyes?

    "You look gorgeous, Sweetheart", my father complimented, pulling me into a side hug and kissing the top of my head. "The necklace I got you looks beautiful on you."

    "Thank you, Daddy", I smiled.

    "Where's Theodore?", my mother asked. "His mother told me that you asked him to be your date. Does that mean you two are back together?"

    "No, Mother, it doesn't. We're just going together because the rest of our friends have dates. It means nothing, so don't get too excited."

    "I just think that you should start considering who you want to spend the rest of your life with. You're coming up on twenty-one soon. I had you by then."

    "It just sounds to me like it's someone you want for me, not what I want", I groaned.

    My father cleared his throat. "The Notts just entered."

    The Notts exchanges hugs and kissed to the three of us, even Theo. I can see my mother and Theo's give each other this look, like they have some sort of secret amongst each other. If I could be ten thousand galleons, it's probably about the engagement ring my mother gave Theo.

    Marriage in the society of rich witches and wizards is all about status and what the marriage can offer you, not love. It can either be blood purity or money, marrying someone is more of a merger than anything else. My parents have been wanting Theo and I to be together for the longest time because of the Notts's business in creating racing brooms and owning a few professional quidditch teams, but the Nott's want this marriage the most. If Theo marries me, he gets a stake in my family's wealth.

    "You look beautiful", Theo smiled. "I'm glad I backed out on wearing my bright pink suit", he teased.

    Theo wore a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. He wore three gold Cartier rings and matching bracelet. His masquerade mask was black with a gold satin ribbon fastened at the back of his head. The black mask made his green-blue eyes pop. It was hard to miss when I'm looking at his face.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now