i did a terrible thing

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    I'm finished with my classes for the day. Because I am reaching the end of education at university, I don't have that many classes in my schedule. Only one more year and I will be finished with a degree that satisfies my father. Truthfully, I don't know what I'm going to be doing after graduation, but what I do know is that I want to have a career, not sit around rolling in may trust fund money. The only career my father wants me to have is in the Ministry, so for him, I'm majoring in political science.

    It may have been two years since I disobeyed my parents by differing a semester at Ilvermorny, but I'm still the same girl who does whatever to please her parents. Keeping my parents happy is my main goal since the whole "differing a whole summer so I can spend time time my boyfriend" situation. When I was a little girl , I wanted to rule the whole world. It might be because my father has this need to have power over everyone so he wanted me to actually rule the world. The closest thing to ruling the world for me is becoming the Minster for Magic.

    Since Blaise and Theo have quidditch practice after class, Stass and I went back to our flat and did homework until seven when we have dinner with the boys. Like back at Hogwarts, homework time with Stass means me doing a lot of the work for her. Granted, Stass never wanted to go to university anyways. She wanted to stay home and live off of her inheritance but her parents won't let her. Like my parents, they want her to graduate with a degree so they don't look bad.

    "Ugh, I hate homework", Stass groaned, throwing her head back.

    "You're not even doing it", I scoffed. "I'm giving you all of the answers."

    "I could be shopping in Milan right now, or Fifth Avenue at least."

    "We can do all the shopping we want once we graduate. I don't know about you, but my parents won't be letting me get access to my trust fund until I graduate."

    "Which is so stupid", she scoffed. "I'm not even going to get a job with my degree anyways. My plan is to shop until I go broke. Once I'm broke, I'll marry a rich old man that's on his last leg. When he dies, I get all of his money."

    "Stass... What about Adrian?"

    "Oh, he'll be in on it. Once I get the old man's money, Adrian and I will live happily ever after", she said with a beaming smile.

    Oh my God. This bitch is serious about this.

    When I finished my homework from my Philosophy and Bioethics classes, I got ready for dinner tonight with the boys. Stass and I both wore coordinating outfits. I wore a white low rise skirt with a black top and she wore a black rise skirt with a white top.

    After we finished getting ready for dinner, we both apparated to the restaurant we were meeting the boys at. The boys were already seated at the table. It seemed like they've also invited a guest because it wasn't just Theo and Blaise sitting at the table, Draco was there too.

    I rolled my eyes and held Stass's hand tightly as we walked to our table. I took in a deep breath as I pulled out the chair right next to Theo.

    "Hey", he smiled. "I hope you don't mind that Draco tagged along."

    "I do", I said through my teeth.

    "Oh, come on, Stell. He apologized to you the two weeks ago and now that you two have had some time apart, I thought that it would be okay to be in the same room."

    "You thought wrong", I scoffed. I pulled the white cloth napkin off the table and unfolded it, laying it down flat on my lap.

    Saint Theodore has to be the nice guy and invite his best friend who I despise to dinner. I get it, it's hard to split time between Draco and I, but that doesn't mean he has to bring him along. Theo split time for two years, why can't he do it for a couple more? Was Draco looking so pathetic after quidditch practice that the boys had to bring him? They should've just ditched him the way Draco ditched me the night of the ball.

it ends with us ✦ draco malfoy (sequel to endgame)Where stories live. Discover now