next day.

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Jimin opened his eyes, immediately squinting at the bright sunlight streaming into his room. His eyes felt dry and he wasn't surprised as he frequently had nightmares, causing him to cry in his sleep. Yesterday's memories were vague in his mind and since it was a Saturday, Jimin turned around on the bed, planning to go back to sleep. Instead, he met a hard chest causing him to inhale sharply. A woody scent welcomed itself into his nose and he looked up. Taehyung's sleeping face greeted him. The taller's cheeks resembled bread as they were puffy from a good night's rest. Jimin took this time to study his face intently. There was a small mole on the tip of Taehyung's nose and his lips were rosy. His black hair was sprawled out onto the grey pillow, messy from tossing and turning at night. Since Jimin was focused on the other's features, he still hadn't realised that Taehyung was holding his waist tightly.

"Kim Taehyung." Jimin called. No response was received. "Yah!" Jimin gently slapped his cheeks which made the taller jerk awake. Out of reflex, his grip got tighter on Jimin's waist and the latter gasped, finally feeling the big hands digging into his skin. "T-Taehyung." Jimin stuttered, the other's clutch not loosening. Taehyung took a moment to adjust to the light and he looked at Jimin with sleepy, annoyed eyes. He finally let go, causing the smaller to sigh with relief.

"Why'd you wake me up?" Taehyung complained, his voice deeper and scratchier than usual. Jimin gulped before regaining his composure.

"Well, you have to leave." Jimin stated. Taehyung looked at the boy unimpressed and just rolled over to the other side, his back facing Jimin. "Taehyung, you have to leave!" Jimin demanded. Taehyung lifted his hand and waved it in a form of dismissal. Jimin groaned, pressing his palms to his eyes in frustration.

"It's a Saturday, let me sleep for god's sake." Taehyung grumbled, closing his eyes. Jimin scoffed, cursing under his breath before pushing the covers off and putting on his slippers. That's when he heard his mother yelling for him.

"Jimin-ah! Abba and I are going grocery shopping! Don't sleep in!" His mother yelled and closed the front door. Jimin dozed, swaying back and forth in drowsiness. He still wanted to sleep. Taehyung had fallen fast asleep again and he figured he should too. Jimin fell backwards, hitting something cushiony near his head and he instantly drifted off into dreamland.

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Taehyung woke up an hour later, rubbing his eyes to rid them of sleep. He felt something heavy on his ass. He looked down to see Jimin's head resting against it as the smaller snored quietly. Taehyung roughly pushed it off causing the other to wake up. "What the f-" Jimin groaned but got hit by a pillow before he could finish his sentence.

"Use a pillow next time, not my ass, Park." Taehyung sneered. Jimin, now realising what that cushiony thing was, blushed profusely.


Taehyung shrugged. "I should get going." He hopped up from the bed and slipped on his shoes. Jimin watched as he lifted the latch of the window and opened it, letting a cool breeze into the room. "Bye, Park." Taehyung waved and climbed out. Jimin sat motionless on the bed, trying to piece together everything that happened since last night. So, it turns out that Jimin did not lose his virginity and Taehyung just needed to quite literally sleep with him. He figured this was a one time thing and whatever family issues Taehyung was facing would be over and done with. Turning around on the bed, he hugged a pillow to his chest and fell asleep.

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"No way, he actually slept in your bed?" Jin asked with grilled meat in his mouth. Jimin grimaced.

"Ew, hyung, close your mouth. And yes, he did."

Jin's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth hanging open wider and Jimin lifted his hand up to the elder's chin to shut it. "That's crazy, Jimin-ah!"

"I know...but don't tell anyone. I don't want weird rumors going around." Jimin whispered and Jin nodded, pretending to zip his lips. The two didn't have classes at the moment and so they were eating food in the school's cafe. Namjoon, another one of their friends, was at a debating club meeting and therefore could not join them. The three were like the ultimate trio that banded together all throughout the rough journey called 'high school'. Their parents were also quite close which is why they met when they were really young. Jimin's eyes widened after seeing something and he immediately crouched down under the table, pretending to sort through his backpack. Jin raised an eyebrow, swallowing his food.

"What are yo—"

"Hyung, shh!" Jimin urged, digging his face deeper into his backpack. Jin turned around to see what Jimin had noticed and saw Taehyung and his friend, Yoongi, ordering at the front counter. Jin grinned, turning back to Jimin.

"Ooh, Jimin-ah, look who it is~" He teased, causing Jimin's face to fire up.

"Hyung, I swear to god if you don't stop!" Jimin threatened, rummaging through his textbooks. "Make sure they don't see me!"

Jin looked back and saw that the two boys had situated themselves three tables away behind Jimin. "Calm down, Jim, they won't see you." Jin reassured him, noticing how both had immediately fallen into conversation. Jimin decided to take his chances and slowly peered up from under the table, his head fixed like a statue towards Jin's face.

"I hope he doesn't recognise the back of my head." Jimin gripped the table firmly.

"Relax, they won't." Jin began eating again. Suddenly, a girl swayed into the cafe. Her brown hair was styled dead straight down her back and she wore a plaid, checked pink cardigan with a matching short skirt.  The girl was undeniably pretty and Jimin rolled her eyes, knowing exactly who she was. Her name was Ha-eun and she had arrived in the middle of second year, catching everyone's attention. Jimin would've liked her more if she wasn't a—well, bitch. Ha-eun made her way gracefully to Taehyung's table, sitting down on his lap as Yoongi looked at her in visible disgust. Taehyung gripped her waist, placing a kiss on her cheek. Jin scoffed. "The fact he finds that attractive goes to show how low his standards are."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, glancing behind him for a split second before looking at Jin again. He sighed. "Some people just don't have good taste." Jin nodded, agreeing with him and the boys began eating their food again.

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i try to not make my stories the cliche, fanfiction trope, but i guess that's what's happening here ¯\_( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)_/¯ i hope you're enjoying this so far (even though there are only two chapters atm lmao) and remember to comment and vote! i also wanna mention that the update days have changed and i will publish a new chapter every friday and tuesday (australian eastern standard time). if you breathed today, i'm super proud of you! <3

- miinyoonqix

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