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(TW: abuse)

Jimin locked the door in a hurry and rushed down the front steps of his house. A blue car was waiting on his driveway and he could make out Yoongi's face through the glass. Jimin opened the passenger seat door and got in before shutting it.

"I came as fast as I could." Jimin said with an anxious expression. Yoongi nodded while looking into the rear view mirror and reversing onto the street.

"Good. I'm worried sick." The older's shoulders were tense. The drive to Taehyung's house was silent, but quick as the boy only lived a few streets down from Jimin. Walking would have taken too long, at least around 30 minutes. Taehyung walked 30 minutes every night just to get away from his mother...

"We're here." Yoongi's voice broke Jimin from his thoughts and the younger nodded, stepping out of the car. Taehyung's house was a one-story, grey bricked structure with a dark roof. The lawn at the front was unkept and the doormat was crooked. Yoongi knocked on the door sharply as the night wind howled faintly. Footsteps were dragging along the floor inside the home, getting louder and louder as the figure approached the door. It was like a scene out of a horror movie.

"Who is it?" A rough, female voice asked.

"M-Mrs. Kim, it's Yoongi." The older stuttered. Jimin didn't expect the older to stumble on his words like that, but then again, Taehyung's mother seemed intimidating as of that moment.

"Are you here for Taehyung?" Mrs. Kim asked again bluntly, still not opening the door.

"Yes, ma'am." Yoongi replied. Jimin stayed silent, not daring to utter a word. The wooden door creaked open slightly and a fraction of the house came into view. It seemed messy. The door opened fully and Mrs. Kim stood before them.
She was a short woman with curly black hair and sunken eyes. Her cheekbones were prominent and she looked quite lifeless, but yet somehow beautiful in a sense. "Hi, Mrs. Kim." Yoongi bowed and nudged Jimin to do the same.

Taehyung's mother noticed the shorter boy's presence and studied him up and down for a moment. "Who's this one?"

"T-This is Jimin. We just wanted to check on Taehyung." Yoongi informed. "May we come in?"

Mrs. Kim shook her head, beginning to close the door, but Yoongi placed a palm on the wood before it could shut. His eyes were pleading. "Please, ma'am."

Taehyung's mother suddenly backed away from the door and wobbled her way into the kitchen. She was most obviously drunk. Yoongi sighed, pushing the door open and gesturing Jimin to follow him inside. The shorter stepped inside the cold house and the strong smell of alcohol immediately tackled his nose. Jimin spotted beer bottles littered around the house, on the couch, countertops and coffee table.

"C'mon!" Yoongi whisper-shouted, pointing down the hallway with 4 doors. Yoongi seemed to know his way around and they soon arrived in front of a white wooden, four paneled door. Yoongi knocked with his knuckles. There was no sound.

The older boy tried opening the door by pulling down on the handle, but it would not budge. Jimin remembered how Taehyung told him that he kept a chair near the knob to prevent his mother from entering. "It's not going to open. He's blocked it." Jimin informed Yoongi.

"Taehyung-ah! It's me, hyung!" Yoongi whisper-yelled. A faint groan came from behind the door and shuffling could be heard. Chair legs scraped against the wooden floor and the door opened, revealing Taehyung.

His hair was messy and he was clutching onto the right side of his ribs. Jimin gasped as he took it all in. There was a dark, purple bruise on Taehyung's left cheekbone and his lips were red with specks of blood. Yoongi rushed in, engulfing the taller in a hug. Taehyung hadn't noticed Jimin yet and just hugged Yoongi back, beginning to sob into the boy's shoulder.

"It's okay, Taehyung-ah. We're here now." Yoongi comforted and Taehyung pulled back with a confused expression.

"W-We? What do you mean we..." Taehyung trailed off as his eyes landed on Jimin. He scowled. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, opening his mouth to retaliate but Yoongi stepped between them. "Whatever is going on with you two, you need to cut it out. Jimin is staying since he knows about your mother." Yoongi stated firmly, keeping eye contact with the taller male. Taehyung huffed.

"I don't want him here."

"You don't have a choice. Jimin, come in." Yoongi gently moved Taehyung to the side and Jimin slowly walked into the room. It was smaller than his own and much, much more dirty. There were empty ramen packets on the desk along with dishes. Clothes littered the floor and the space was very cluttered. Jimin inhaled and a woody smell welcomed itself into his nose. At least Taehyung's room smelled like himself.

Taehyung went and slumped down on the desk chair, picking up a cotton ball and tending to his injuries. Yoongi stared at him with sympathy as Jimin sat down on the bed, earning a silent glare from Taehyung. "Fuck, Taehyung, I'm so sorry this is happening to you." Yoongi rubbed the wounded boy's head carefully. Taehyung sniffled.

"I forgot to put the chair there and she came in, beat me, and then left." Taehyung winced at his own actions. Jimin noticed another cut on the taller's arm. "She threw scissors at me." Taehyung looked up Yoongi, his voice quiet. Yoongi crouched down in front of the taller.

"You need to call the police."

"No!" Taehyung blurted. "I-I can't! She doesn't mean to hurt me."

Yoongi sighed. "Taehyung. I know she loves you, but this is not okay." Yoongi urged. The younger didn't say anything. "Look—I'll go talk to her now and see what I can do."

Jimin's eyes widened. "Hyung, what if you get hurt?" Jimin asked. Taehyung looked at the shorter, rolling his eyes after remembering the other was there. Jimin ignored the hurtful action.

Yoongi smiled. "Mrs. Kim doesn't hurt me. I've talked to her while she was drunk before." Yoongi paused. "She only hurts Taehyung."

Taehyung looked down at the mention of his name, fiddling with his fingers. Yoongi stood up. "Okay, I'll be right back."

Jimin nodded, mouthing a "be careful" as the door shut behind Yoongi, leaving the two boys alone.

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lowkey feel bad for taehyung even tho he's being a dick to jimin

- miinyoonqix

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