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Taehyung tore his eyes open, rubbing them to rid himself of traces of sleep. A white wall stared back at him and he turned around to pull the covers closer because of the cold, but his hand immediately stilled at the sight of Park Jimin sleeping soundly next to him. The covers were mostly on Jimin and they reached up to his neck, making him look tiny on the bed. Taehyung dumbly stared at the boy in front of him, gazing at each feature on the shorter's face. His eyelashes rested against his cheekbones and his knotted hair was disheveled onto the pillow. Jimin was subconsciously digging himself further into the covers, his body aware of the chilly morning temperatures. Taehyung pulled the cover over himself, instantly feeling the warmth of Jimin radiate to his own skin and he wanted to move closer to the human heater that was the boy before him. He stayed where he was once he glanced at the other's jaw and noticed the purple bruise.

A surge of guilt washed over him and his eyes lingered on the bruise for a while, in disbelief that he did that to Jimin. Taehyung knew that Jimin probably did not mean to slap him and it was just a reflex out of anger, so why would he punch back so hard? Well that's an easy question. Jimin insulted his girlfriend. He took real offence to that. The memory of Ha-eun slut shaming Rayna last night appeared in his mind and he shook it off. Yes, she had her bad times, but she was human. She probably did not mean it. Right?

Without thinking, Taehyung reached up to softly touch the mark, careful not to hurt the shorter. Jimin whimpered in his sleep and Taehyung immediately retreated his hand, thinking that the other must have felt pain. Once Jimin was still again, Taehyung lightly touched the mark, grazing his fingertips over it gently. Jimin's eyes shot open and Taehyung gulped, seeing two brown eyes staring back at him, momentarily confused, but then filled with anger. Jimin pushed his hand away rather softly, and turned around, shuffling closer to the edge of the bed and farther away from Taehyung.

"Jimin-ah." Taehyung called groggily, his sleep-ridden voice deep and scratchy. Jimin did not respond so Taehyung moved closer, wrapping an arm around the boy's waist and pulling him closer until his back hit Taehyung's chest. Jimin struggled to release himself for a bit, but just gave up on fighting it, letting himself be cuddled. Wait—cuddled? Ew. Taehyung had not realised they were technically cuddling at this point and instead he dove his nose in Jimin's hair. The scent of coconut drifted into his nostrils and he figured that's Jimin's shampoo fragrance. "Jiminie..." Taehyung muttered, still some-what sleepy. "I'm sorry." He apologised, truly shameful for the harm he inflicted on the other.

Jimin's heartbeat increased and he did not know why. A part of him wanted to turn around and hug Taehyung, forgiving the taller for everything that happened last night, but the other part wanted to stay adamant on his anger. He had a right to be mad.

But did he?

He did slap Taehyung first. Wouldn't that make him guilty too? Considering that fact, Jimin decided to play it safe and apologise. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have slapped you." Jimin spoke, staring at the closed door. His parents probably came home last night and did not want to wake him up. That was good, because otherwise they would've seen Taehyung sleeping with Jimin in his bed. Taehyung hummed, too busy sniffing Jimin's hair. Ha-eun always used this overly-floral scented shampoo that annoyed his nasal senses whenever he hugged her. Floral was okay, but that shampoo was heavily fragranced. Way too heavily.

"It's okay." Taehyung mumbled, moving even closer to the boy, the heat lulling him to sleep. None of them were aware that they had school in two hours as that thought was far from their minds. Jimin's mind was racing with a million words and he was incredibly hyper-sensitive to each bit of contact between him and Taehyung as of that moment. Taehyung was extremely dense to his own thoughts and he would most definitely deny to himself that this simple action meant something. Taehyung did not notice how his heart sped up too and he figured he was just reconciling with Jimin. "The slap wasn't as bad as the punch. I really shouldn't have hit you that hard." Taehyung admitted, digging deeper into Jimin's hair, coconut becoming his favourite fragrance as the seconds passed. Jimin whimpered, barely audible as the other's large hands gripped his waist tightly.

"T-Taehyung, we have school." Jimin gasped. Taehyung stopped what he was doing and pulled back.

"Oh shit, we do." He scratched his head, sitting up. He faced the shorter. "I should go home and get ready. Thanks for the bed, Jimin-ah." Taehyung stood up, the cold air hitting his skin and he wanted nothing more than to go back under the covers with Jimin. He begrudgingly put on his shoes and opened the window, climbing out to meet the even colder air. The early morning sky was still a bit dark and the street lights were illuminating the roads. Taehyung closed the window and signalled Jimin to remember to lock it. Jimin nodded and watched as Taehyung disappeared, the thumping of his footsteps on the roof tiles as he climbed down. Jimin decided to get up too and prepare himself for school.

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Dong-hyun slipped a hand under Ha-eun's skirt, roughly kissing her. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. The classroom was empty and they coincidentally both arrived at the same time. Footsteps were coming down the corridor and the two stopped making out, quickly going back to their seats. A few students piled into the room, chatting about different topics with their friends. Dong-hyun turned around in his seat and winked at Ha-eun, the girl giggling under her breath at his action. Jimin walked in with Jin and Namjoon, the older boys talking about what they plan on doing this weekend. They asked Jimin if he wanted to join and the shorter said yes before sitting in his seat. Taehyung walked in shortly after and smiled at Jimin who returned the smile back. Jin smirked.

"Jimin-ah~" Jin sing-songed. Jimin looked at his hyung confused before realising what the other was insinuating.

"Hyung!" Jimin scolded, opening his textbook just as the teacher came in. Taehyung kissed Ha-eun's cheek and sat at the desk next to her's just as all the other students were settling down. Dong-hyun noticed the gesture from the other side of the room and his eyes narrowed. Ha-eun made eye contact with the other boy and silently warned him not to do anything. Taehyung was staring dreamily at Ha-eun as she looked back to the front of the class.

Jimin noticed the taller's lovesick eyes and he let out a frustrated sigh, facing the front of the class again.

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ha-eun do be cheating though. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i look forward to publishing the next one on friday! this book is pretty fun to write ngl, and i try to leave each update on a cliff-hanger or just a "uGHH i wANT tO kNOw wHAt hApPeNS nExT!", ya know what i mean? remember to vote and comment, yadayada yk the drill. see you next time!

- miinyoonqix

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