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"You don't have his number?" Namjoon asked, shocked. Jimin shook his head as they walked along side each other with Jin on the other side of him.

"Nope. He's only slept over two nights now. I really don't know what's going on." Jimin sighed, thinking about whatever family issues Taehyung is having. Is it really that bad that he has stopped sleeping in his own house now? And why would he choose Jimin when there are so many other people he could go to, such as Yoongi or even Ha-eun. Jin tutted.

"You need to ask him. He can't keep coming over and using your bed if he's going to leave you in the dark like that. And plus, get his phone number so that you can at least know when he is coming." Jin raised his eyebrow, referring to Jimin's story at lunch about hitting Taehyung in the head with his textbook. Namjoon nodded, agreeing with the oldest boy. Jimin kicked a pebble in front of him. "Oh, this is my street." Jin announced, waving at the two before jogging down the road into his neighborhood. The other two walked for a while before Namjoon bid Jimin a goodbye and the shorter was therefore all alone. He walked down the path as cars passed him time to time. Two male voices could be heard in the distance behind him, but he couldn't recognise who they were. Probably someone from school.

Jimin soon heard footsteps get louder and a tall boy passed him. Jimin almost immediately realised it was Taehyung just by seeing the back of his head. Taehyung probably sensed Jimin's presence and he turned around slowly to find the shorter looking back at him. He laughed, walking backwards until he was beside Jimin as the shorter kept walking. "Well, what a small world we live in, huh?" Taehyung remarked, chuckling.

Jimin nodded. "I guess you could say that." He remembered Jin's word and he halted. "I actually have to ask you something." Jimin admitted as the taller looked at him confused and signalled for him to continue. "Could I have your number?"

Taehyung smirked. "Wow, Jiminie, it's only been two nights and you already want to send me texts. How cute." He teased, grabbing his phone out and giving it to Jimin for the other to type in his own number instead. Jimin wanted to retaliate but he bit his tongue instead of arguing with the other's words. He figured it would just satisfy the taller even more. Jimin typed in his number carefully, silently confirming it over in his head like a song before handing it back to Taehyung. The other saved Jimin's name in his contact list after naming it, 'Jiminie, my bedmate'. Jimin was oblivious to all of this and just kept walking as the taller stupidly grinned alongside him. Taehyung remembered that he should let Jimin know he needed to sleep over again. "By the way, I'm sleeping with you tonight."

Jimin groaned. "Stop wording it like that!"

Taehyung grinned wider, stopping in the middle of the path and grabbing Jimin's wrist to pull the boy closer into his chest. "Why? Does it make you want me even more?" Taehyung whispered huskily, a glint of humour in his eyes as he stared into Jimin's own. Jimin turned red, freeing himself from the other's grasp.

"N-No. I don't like you like that." Jimin huffed, continuing to walk.

"Ah, that's good. After all, I do have a girlfriend."

The words cut at Jimin's chest and he felt a slight, sharp pain in his heart. "Knock it off Jimin." He told himself mentally, not understanding why he felt so down all of a sudden. "Yeah, okay." Jimin curtly responded, annoyed by the fact Taehyung would even date someone like Ha-eun when Jimin was far better and nicer. Wait...did he just compare himself to Ha-eun? "Oh my god, what is happening?!" Jimin yelled at himself inside his head as Taehyung walked with ease beside him. Jimin was so into his thoughts that he didn't realise he was practically on the road now and a car was driving fast towards him.

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Jimin!" He yelled and the shorter looked up to see the headlights getting bigger as the car got closer. The driver honked loudly and Jimin froze. Taehyung immediately pulled Jimin onto the sidewalk, tumbling over onto the path as he landed on his back with the shorter on top of him. The car raced off, leaving the two panting for breath endlessly as the adrenaline rushed through their veins. Taehyung sat up with Jimin in his lap, the shorter still shocked by the sudden event that just took place. "What the fuck, Jimin? Why were you so careless? You could've been hit!" Taehyung yelled and Jimin flinched, looking at the taller's enraged expression. "What would I have done if you were hit, huh? Pay. Attention. To. The. Road, Park!" Taehyung scolded him, his voice loud.

Jimin felt his eyes watering and he gulped, not liking the other's scary facial expression. He looked down at his lap, willing the tears not to fall. The last thing he wanted to do was cry like a weak baby in front of Taehyung. They were still sitting on the sidewalk and fortunately, not many people from school were nearby. Taehyung sighed, realising he was too harsh on the shorter, so he lifted Jimin's chin up and wiped the fallen tears away with his thumb. He attempted to smile at Jimin, hoping the other could at least be comforted a bit. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad at you, just upset at what could've happened." Taehyung softly spoke as Jimin sniffled, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Don't cry, okay? I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just don't want to see you becoming mince meat in front of me." Taehyung chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and he was relieved as the corners of Jimin's lips rose a little.

"M-Mhm." The shorter nodded, wiping his own tears before realising the position they were in. Taehyung must've realised too, because his eyes widened when Jimin shifted slightly.

Right over his dick.

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vroom vroom.

- minyoonqix

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