1: Character Introduction

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Clay (Dream): Clay Blazewood (made up last name) is a 17 year old high school senior. He lives in Florida with his parents. However the parent-child relationship in the household is not how it should be. His older sister moved out a few months ago, leaving Clay and his two younger siblings to live with their abusive parents. Clay wasn't allowed to have friends over and was expected to do housework before either of his parents got home. He was expected to look after his younger brother, who was 2 years younger than Clay, and younger sister, who was 5 years younger than him. Due to all the stuff at home along with his ADHD, he was never able to focus on school. He used to take his frustration out on the weaklings of his class and was expelled for breaking some student's nose. His parents were really mad at Clay but they also knew he had to go back to school. And because they were rich Clay joined Netherwart High school in the middle of the school year after requesting his parents to put him in the same school as his best friend, Sapnap. Clay doesn't like his birthname and prefers to be called Dream instead. Him and Sapnap came up with the name Dream considering Clay was a dreamer and never gave up despite having abusive parents. Clay has known he is pansexual for 2 years but knows that his parents are not going to accept him. Clay has never been in a relationship before, he hasn't had his first kiss yet either. Even though his parents won't support him, Sapnap does. Clay often stays over at Sapnap's house and sometimes brings his siblings with him. Sapnap's family is really welcoming of Clay. He considers them family and Sapnap his brother. He even came out to them and they accepted him with support and pure love and care. Clay is planning to change his behaviour when he joins Netherwart High. He doesn't want to be known as a bully. He doesn't want to hurt anyone like his parents hurt him.

George: George Davidson is a 17 year old Britisher who moved to Florida with his mother 4 years ago. He studies at Netherwart HS since. His mother means everything to him. She always had his back. She has been protecting George since he was 13. George came out as gay at age 13. His mother was very supportive but his father didn't accept him. His father started being rude to him. He would call him slurs and even hit him once. That was when George's mother decided to leave her husband so her son could have a better future. His parents got divorced last year. George had protanopia, a type of colorblindness. This meant he couldn't see green or red. The world was just a weird shade of yellow and blue to him. Blue was his favourite color, being the only color he could see perfectly. George had a sister who lived with their father back at England. George was openly gay at school. He was a bit hesitant at first but seeing his peers being supportive, he got the confidence he needed. A few people were not supportive but it didn't bother George because his friends were there for him and that's all he needed. He was an introvert and didn't talk much but considered everyone his friend. He only opened up to people he or Karl could truly trust. Although he had many friends he never had anyone as close as his best friend Karl. He considered his mother as his best friend as well and shared every feeling with her. George has never been in a relationship before but hopes to find his dream boy soon.

Sapnap: Sapnap Peterson (made up last name), previously known as Nick, is a 17 year old Texan who moved to Florida with his parents and a sister because his father got a job in Florida. He has a younger sister. She calls him Kuya. Sapnap is non-binary and uses he/they pronouns. They are also asexual biromantic. They are currently in a relationship with Karl Jacobs. They are studying in Netherwart High school. Their parents are very supportive of him. Sapnap has a weird obsession with fire and pandas. Sapnap has a very friendly personality and is happy to be friends with anyone and everyone. Despite being this friendly he does not want to be called popular. He is always optimistic and gives very good advice to anyone in need. They are very excited to welcome his best friend Dream. To his school after Dream convinced his parents to let him join NHS. Dream is like a brother to them. They have been inseparable since they met. Sapnap wants Dream to move in with him and his family. Sapnap is that one friend everyone needs in their lives.

Karl: Karl Jacobs is a 17 year old boy who studies at Netherwart High. He has a bubbly personality and friendly nature. He likes to talk to his friends all the time but hates public speaking. He is rich but never boasts about it. He quietly but willingly helps his friends with money. His parents work for a rich businessman called Mr. Donaldson. He is friends with the son of said businessman, Jimmy Donaldson. He is greysexual (or grey asexual) and panromantic. He is currently dating Sapnap amd considers him the love of his life. His parents always support him. He has a younger brother. They are very close and always stick up for each other. He has a best friend who's name is George. They are inseparable. Karl considers him as his brother. Karl loves painting nails and is pretty good at it. Karl likes to help anyone and everyone. He is good in studies too and gets straight A's. He is athletic too and is part of the tennis team. He dreams of playing tennis for his country one day.

Alex (Quackity): Alex Mendez is a 17 year old party animal. Alex is Mexican but moved to Florida with his two mothers and his brother (yes I made Big Q's parents lesbians because I wanted to include everyone don't get offended please). He studies at Netherwart High. He likes going to parties. Getting drunk or high is almost a daily thing for him. He sneaks out every night for parties. His mothers aren't aware of him doing this. He is bisexual. He has a crush on Karl Jacobs but at the same time he likes Sapnap too. His feelings are complicated. People call him Quackity because he used to be obsessed with ducks. Quackity likes to curse people in Spanish as most of them are left standing there confused and Quackity finds it hilarious. He isn't very friendly with anyone and hence has no friends. He bullies the weaker ones. He wants to become a lawyer.

Zak and Darryl (Not important in the story but I love them): They both have a crush on each other but both are oblivious. They live in their own bubble. Darryl is an introvert and doesn't talk much. Zak never leaves Darryl's side as he has fallen head over heel for Darryl. They didn't have friends but they didn't need anyone besides each other. They were more than happy in each other's company. Despite not having friends they were nice and helpful to others.

Chloe (Drista)(made up name): Chloe is Dream's younger sister. She is 12. She has a very bold personality filled with sass and sarcasm. She brightens the room she steps into. She is very smart, a genius even, just like her brother Dream. She is very strong for someone her age; both physically and mentally. She is the closest to Dream. She can fight the whole world for him.

(Mostly made up names)

•Charlotte (Dream's mother)
•Colin (Dream's father)
•Clara (Dream's older sister)
•Chris (Dream's brother)

•Mary (Sapnap's mother)
•Noah (Sapnap's father)
•McKayla (Sapnap's sister)

•Grace (George's mother)
•Ethan (George's father)
•Emily (George's sister)

•Sarah (Karl's mother)
•Ken (Karl's father)
•Sean (Karl's brother)

•Cierra (Quackity's mom)
•Amanda (Quackity's maa)
•Juan (Quackity's brother)

•Tommy (Junior at school)
•Tubbo (Junior at school)
•Ranboo (Junior at school)


1390 words

I'll try and upload regularly but I procrastinate a lot so I'm sorry if I don't post for a while or if I stop uploading for a few days in case I lose motivation.

Remember that you are loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated!

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