Bonus Chapter 1

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I missed you guys yesterday!!!

It was the next day now and Dream was sleep deprived as he stayed up the whole night to look after Evelyn. George however was a bit more energetic than usual. He had planned a stream later today so he wanted everything to be perfect by that time and he also wanted to spend time with his daughter.

"You should go to sleep for a bit. I'll make you something to eat and then you can take a nap or something. I'll wake you up when it's lunch time." George said to a sleepy Dream that followed him to the kitchen.

George quickly poured some cereal in a bowl and poured in milk. He passed the bowl to Dream and made one for himself. Dream tiredly ate the cereal. Then Evelyn's crying rang through their ears and Dream stood up.

"Don't worry, I'll see what she needs." George said and pushed Dream back down on the chair, running to their bedroom. Evelyn had woken up and was crying loudly.

"Shh baby. It's okay, it's okay. Are you hungry? Or do you need a diaper change? Let me check." George said as he picked up Evelyn and swayed her to make her stop crying. He put her back down and checked her diaper, it was clean. George carried her to the kitchen and made her milk bottle with one hand, holding her in the other.

"I can help George, I'm not that tired." Dream said as he put his bowl in the sink and tried to help George.

"Go to the bedroom and sleep. You need it. Plus you stayed up the whole night to make sure she was asleep so its my turn now." George said and put the milk bottle up to Evelyn's mouth. She started drinking the milk and stopped crying.

George sighed and sat on the couch cross legged with Evelyn on his lap. One hand supported Evelyn so she wouldn't fall while the other hand held the milk bottle. Dream smiled and went to the bedroom. He fell asleep as soon as he laid on the bed.

Evelyn soon finished 3/4th of the bottle and moved her mouth away. George took that as a sign she was full and put the bottle on the coffee table. Evelyn stared at George with big eyes. It made George smile.

"Hi Evelyn, I'm Papa." George spoke to her. Evelyn smiled wide and babbled something incoherent. George chuckled and talked to her more.

"I want you to meet Dad too but he's asleep now. He took care of you the whole night." George said. Evelyn made another incoherent noise and moved her hand up to George's face. She picked at George's skin with her soft small fingers. George held her hand and kissed it very gently.

"I have to stream soon so you should go to sleep now. I'll play with you all day, but after I stream. Close your eyes now, I'll sing for you." George said and sang a lullaby as he patted Evelyn gently multiple times to put her to sleep faster.

Once Evelyn was asleep George put her in her crib and went to his recording room. He booted up his computer and started Minecraft. He fixed his webcam slightly. He then opened Twitch and went live.

'GeorgeNotFound is live: Speedrunning Minecraft on 1.17!'

"Hello Everyone! I'm back. I've been off all social medias lately but I'm back now. Today I'll be trying to speedrun after a long time!" George said and started a new world. He spawned in a desert village. He was quite happy with the spawn.

He explored the world a bit and collected haybales, blacksmith loot and killed the iron golem. He got 4 iron and made a bucket. He put the lava from the blacksmith in the bucket. Then he crafted bread and a stone axe. He got an iron pickaxe from the blacksmith and used it to get the stone for his axe.

Then he started sprinting in a random direction and explored the desert. He came across a lava pool eventually when he was just 6 minutes in the run. He cleared his lava bucket and ran to find water. He found a water source in the acacia forest nearby and got gravel as well.

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