Chapter 3: Invitation

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It was the next morning. George had just finished eating breakfast and was ready to go to school.

"We can go mum!" George said as he approached his mum.

"Sure sweety! Let's go." His mum said as she picked up her keys and exited the house along with George.

They drove in silence with a soft music coming from the radio. A few minutes later they arrived at the school.

"Bye Georgie! Have a good day! Don't forget to invite Dream!" George's mum said as George opened the car door.

"Bye mum! Good day to you too and don't worry I'll ask Dream." George said and got out of the car. He entered the school and walked up to his friends.

"HI KARL! Hi Dream and Sapnap!" George exclaimed and hugged Karl. Then they all broke into giggles.

"Hi Gogmeister!" Karl said grinning.

"How do you always come up with these weird ass nicknames?" George asked pouting.

"Because I'm smart nimrod!" Karl giggled. "Ask Sapnap. They know it."

"Yeah George! My boyfriend is the smartest." Sapnao said and kissed Karl's right cheek. "And the best." He turned Karl's face and kissed his left cheek. "And the cutest." Sapnap gave Karl a peck on the lips. "And th-"

"Ok ok that's enough now stop before you two start making out." George interrupted. Karl and Sapnap's faces grew bright red and Dream started laughing. His laughter turned into a wheeze and he sounded like a tea kettle. It made George laugh.

Suddenly the bell rang and they sprinted to their classes. Dream and George sat next to each other. Their classes seemed to end pretty quickly while they were in each other's company. It was as if time flew by. Soon it was lunch.

George was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Dream. Dream soon came over with his food. They ate in silence until George spoke.

"Dream do you wanna come to my house for dinner tonight?" George asked. Dream took a moment to think before answering.

"Sure! But I have to look after my siblings until my... uh my parents get back from work so I won't be able to be there directly after school. I'll be there by the evening. Is that okay?" He replied.

"Awesome! I'll text you the address." George said. Dream just smiled and nodded. They had exchanged numbers after school yesterday when they were waiting for George's mum.

And with that lunch was over. They went to their classes and continued with the day.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. George couldn't wait for dinner tonight!
433 words.

I'm planning to post just one chapter today! Tell me what you think about it in the comments!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated! Have a great day/night!

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