Chapter 23: Shopping

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All three of them got in the car and headed to Dream's old house. The drive was filled with comfortable silence. Soon they were in the driveway of Dream's house.

"Okay. So both of you can go grab your stuff and I'll be waiting here. Shout for me if you need any help." George's mum said.

"Okay mum. Let's go Dream." George said. They got out of the car and went up to the door to the house. Sure enough it was unlocked. They switched on a light bulb and looked around.

"Hm. I don't think anyone robbed this place. Let's go check upstairs." Dream said. They went upstairs. Everything was same as before.

"Okay. No thieves and no squatters I believe. Let's just get the clothes and stuff and get out." George said. They both started filling a backpack with Dream's, Drista's and Chris' clothes. They ran out once they had enough clothes.

"Hey boys! Did you get everything? Are we good to go?" George's mum asked. George nodded and got in the car.

They drove to the pet store. Once they reached Dream and George got out and waved at George's mum who waved back and drove off.

"Okay. So what exactly do we need?" Dream asked as they entered the store and got a cart.

"When I got Luca I got him a bed, food bowls, cat food, litter box, toys, basically a lot of stuff. My... dad brought everything I asked for. We can get stuff for Patches and we can always ask the employees for help." George said.

"Sure. Let's start with the bed. Which one do you think would be the best?" Dream asked.

"We have to spend our money wisely Dream. We can't just spend a hundred dollars on a bed because it looks good." George laughed. Dream chuckled along with him.

"Well then which one do you think would be the best cost friendly bed?" Dream asked.

"I think those ones over there. They're twenty dollars and they look comfy." George said and pointed to an aisle that had circular pet beds.

"They look good! What color should we get?" Dream asked.

"What's your favourite color?" George asked.

"Green. And I know yours is blue so let's get this one." Dream said and picked up a bed with green and blue designs.

" Dream said and picked up a bed with green and blue designs

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Something like this but in a circular bed form. I couldn't find anything cool on Pinterest. Also Patches that you? and lol even the bed ships dnf!

"This is so cool! And it's only $19.99. We are totally getting this." George said putting the bed in the cart.

"Sure! Now moving on to the food bowls. I think we need two." Dream said. George nodded. "How about we get a blue one and a green one?" Dream asked.

"Dream it's Patches who has to eat from those bowls, not us." George laughed. Dream giggled and shook his head.

"Well then which one do you want?" Dream asked.

"Let me see." George said and pushed the cart forward. "This one looks fine. It's $11.99 for two. Its steel so it will be durable too. We can get this."

"Sure. Next is cat food... I don't know anything about that." Dream said.

"It honestly depends on what Patches would like to eat, and we don't know that yet. We can ask the workers later. Let's get the litter box first." George said.

"Okay. Which litter box should we get? They're all like really expensive." Dream said.

"Get the cheapest one. It doesn't matter what the box is like. It just should be big enough for Patches and she is still a kitten so it shouldn't be a problem." George said. They searched around and found a box that was $9.99

"This one should be fine. Now let's get clay." George said.

"What?" Dream asked. George giggled.

"Clay to put in the litter box idiot." George said still giggling.

"Oh I- nevermind." Dream said and searched for clay.

(I have no idea what they put in litter boxes but I searched and it said clay or recycled paper pellets so I'm sorry if I'm wrong I've never had a cat before.)

"Is this one fine? It's 20 pounds for $15.99." Dream said from across the aisle. George nodded.

"Okay so if we do math real quick... It's about 58 dollars. We have 42 dollars for food and toys. Let's go ask someone about what food to get." George said.

"Okay genius." Dream giggled. They go up to an employee that doesn't seem occupied with any work.

"Hello. How can I help you?" The employee said.

"Uh we are adopting a kitten but we don't really know what kind of food to feed her. Can we get some help?" George asked.

"Sure. What breed is your kitten?" The worker asked.

"We don't know. We found her in a park." Dream said.

"Oh. Then she is an alley cat. They mostly eat dry cat food. You can try this one." He said and handed George a small packet of cat food.

"Thank you!" George said. The worker nodded and walked away to help others.

"It's $14.99. How much do we have left? Like 25-ish?" Dream asked.

"Yeah. Let's go get some chewy toys and balls. Maybe even one of those scratching posts." George said. They walked into another aisle that was full of pet toys.

"Hey Georgie! We can get this scratching pole and toys set. It's... $21.99! It's just perfect." Dream said. He pointed to a small scratching pole+feather wand+squeaky mouse combo pack. George smiled and added it to their cart. They headed to the check out.

"That'll be 94.99." The cashier said. George handed him a hundred dollar bill. The cashier gave him the change.

"Thank you for shopping at (insert pet shop name) sir! Please visit again." The cashier said and George nodded. They exited the store with two bags in their hand. Dream carrying the heavier bag with the bed while George carried the lighter bag.

"Phew. Just under the limit." George said and giggled along with Dream.

"Well wanna get something to eat with the 5 dollars left? We haven't really eaten anything today." Dream said.

"But what can we get with just 5 dollars?" George asked.

"There's a milkshake place over that way. They give a large milkshake for 4 dollars I'm pretty sure. We can share?" Dream asked. George chuckled.

"Is it a date?" George asked.

"Sure!" Dream grinned and led him over to the milkshake place.
1034 words.

I have no idea how much stuff costs in the US but I tried my best and googled most of it. If I'm wrong then correct me in the comments.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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