Chapter 33: Sick

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TW: Mentions of hospital.

Dream woke up early the next day. Not because it was a Monday and he had school, but because his George was sick.

He got out of bed and showered as quick as he could. He wanted to be next to George whenever he needed him. He practically threw his clothes on and went back to the room.

George was still sleeping. His face that once looked peaceful now turned into distressed one. Dream went over to him and rubbed his hair slowly, doing the best he could without waking him up.

His face softened and it was back to peaceful again. Dream smiled and sat there rubbing George's hair. Patches climbed onto his lap meowing loudly.

"Patches be quiet, George is asleep." Dream whispered. Patches curled up on his lap and went to sleep.

George let out a quiet whimper, his expression twisted to an uncomfortable one. Dream shook him slightly to wake him up.

"Georgie. Wake up." Dream said, one hand shaking George while the other one was rubbing his hair. Suddenly George's eyes shot open and he gasped, coughing immediately after.

"Georgie are you okay? Calm down, I'm here for you." Dream said. George looked at him as his coughing calmed down.

"D-Dream n-n-nightm-mare..." George said breathing heavily. Dream rubbed his chest to calm him. His breathing became normal soon and he tried to sit.

"It's okay George, just calm down. It was just a dream, it's not real. Are you feeling better? Do you wanna go to the doctor?" Dream asked.

"I'm okay. I think I should go to the doctor." George said slowly.

"Sure, we're going to the doctor today. I'll get you something to eat. You can shower if you want to, but if you feel sick then don't shower today." Dream said.

"My head still hurts." George said. Dream brought his hand up to George's forehead to feel his temperature.

"You still have fever, it's a lot colder than last night but it's still there." Dream said. "Stay here, talk to Patches. I'll be quick."

Dream left the room while George sat there with Patches next to him.

Dream went into the kitchen to see his siblings on the dining table having breakfast. He smiled and started making scrambled eggs.

"Hi Dream, is George okay?" Drista asked.

"He's better than last night but he's still sick. I'm not going to school today, I'll look after him." Dream said.

"I hope he gets well soon. We're going to school after a whole week!" Drista said.

"That's great! But I'll be going now. George is hungry. Have fun at school!" Dream said and took a plate of scrambled eggs upstairs.

"Here Georgie, eat this." Dream said and handed the plate to George, but George was too weak to eat with his shaky hands.

Dream took the plate and fed him. George ate and drank some water before trying to get up. Dream held his hand and helped him walk. He had become weak from not eating and sitting on his bed the whole time, and from sickness of course.

"I need to use the bathroom." George said as he headed to the bathroom. Dream left his hand as they reached the bathroom door. He waited for George and when he came back, Dream held his hand again taking him back to their room.

"Mrs Davidson is taking my siblings to school right now. We can go to the hospital when she comes back." Dream said. George nodded and sat on the bed. Dream sat next to him.

"This feels weird. I haven't been sick in so long, I think I forgot what being sick was." George chuckled but ended up coughing. Dream rubbed his back.

"You'll be alright soon George and after that I'll never let you get sick." Dream said. George chuckled again, carefully this time to not cough.

"You're acting like a very worried parent! Calm down it's just viral cold." George giggled. Dream glared at him playfully.

"I have to act like a parent if you're not careful and act like a 5 year old." Dream scoffed. George rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." George said and crossed his arms, turning away from Dream. Pretending to be mad.

"Oh come on now." Dream said and turned George back towards him.

"I need to get ready to go to the hospital." George said and got up. Dream got up as well helping George with clothes. George didn't let him help and shoved him away, still acting mad.

"George? Are you mad at me?" Dream asked. George shook his head but didn't say anything. Dream wrapped his arms around George from behind. George squirmed trying to get away but Dream held him tightly.

"I'm not mad at you. Happy?" George huffed still struggling against Dream.

"I'm sorry, I love you." Dream said and kissed George's cheek. George moved his face away quickly.

"I love you too but don't kiss me right now, you'll get sick too." George said.

"I don't care, I love you anyways so I'll show it." Dream said and kissed his cheek again. "And I don't get sick that easily. I've taken care of Chris and Drista when they were sick and I've never gotten sick because of that."

George turned around and hugged Dream back.

"Help me get ready now." George said. Dream chuckled and helped George in dressing up.

"I'll go check if Mrs Davidson is back yet. Sit down till then." Dream said and went downstairs. Mrs Davidson wasn't there but Dream could hear a car parking outside.

A few minutes later Mrs Davidson came inside. She smiled at Dream who returned the gesture.

"Can we take George to the hospital? He said he should get a check up." Dream said.

"Sure! Bring him downstairs, I'll go start the car." Mrs Davidson said and went back outside. Dream went upstairs.

"C'mon Georgie, let's go." Dream said and helped George down the stairs. They sat in the car and went to the hospital.
1006 words.

I had no idea what to write because I've only been to the hospital once and that was when I broke my arm. My parents treat me at home and that's the case with every household here.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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